Chapter 3:Stupidity can be entertaining

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It didn't take too long before Marian had taken care of the other raptures, making way for her and Kumagawa to continue on their way. While the commander had his mind on something else, the Nikke was getting increasingly worried.

Marian:Where is everyone...Did the plan change after the transport ship crash?

Kumagawa:[An shielder and an attacker...But the attacker throws the shielder...]


Marian had noticed the only sign of life around. Perhaps a disstress signal.

Marian:Let's go check it out!

Kumagawa:[More Nikkes...Onwards for my gacha!]

In the place where the gunfire took place there were two girls, Nikkes. Yet, there was no sight of a human around.

One of them had short brown hair and golden eyes. Her name was Anis.

Anis:How are we going to sit here?

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Anis:How are we going to sit here?

Anis asked with worry to her only teammate, a girl with pale brown hair and red eyes. Her name was Rapi.

Rapi:Until they come

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Rapi:Until they come.

Anis:We're practically sitting ducks out here!

Rapi:We'll wait until they come.

Anis:Did you see how hard they went down!? You saw the explosion! There's no way anyone is coming out of that alive.

Rapi:We haven't recieved any confirmations of death.

Anis:What? So we wait here until we do?

Rapi:This is the randevouz point. Leaving here would throw a wrench into the works.

Anis:This is absurd!

Kumagawa:["There's no way anyone is coming out of that alive"...That's a thing people say to me a lot.]


Anis jumped back while Rapi only turned confused. Kumagawa had appeared between them without either noticing.

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