Chapter 5:Squad MINUS is made out of blocks

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Humanity reaches for the stars all the time. Yet, sometimes a pure desire for knowglede is denyed.

Kumagawa has not gotten a peak. A shame, that which was exposed while he had his back turned was the first characteristic of Marian the minus was presented to.

Kumagawa:[I wonder...How many commanders and Nikkes have died on the surface.]

Rapi:Unkown. But I imagine there are more than anyone cares to count.

Anis:Though some of their belongings might remain. I guess you could still say finding something like that is a rare occurence.

Kumagawa:[Yeah, although...]

Kumagawa looked at the object he found in the ruins of the bridge. It was a music record.

Kumagawa:[Who brings this into the wasteland? You need a junkbox to even listen to this.]

Anis:Maybe someone packed up in a hurry and forgot to leave it back at the Ark.

Kumagawa:[Oh, well. Finderz keepers. I'll have to buy a junkbox now...]

A voice resonated with radio intrerruption. Rapi brought up her device.

The screen displayed a girl with blue hair and blue eyes. Her name was Shifty.

 Her name was Shifty

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Rapi:Communication. Shifty, do you copy?

Shifty:About time we got through! What's the situation at your end?

Rapi:The new Commander has arrived. The operational coordinates were confirmed and has been proceeded as planned.

Shifty:Excellent! We had quite the scare back there when we lost contact with the transport ship.

Anis:You took the transport ship straight in the middle of enemy territory! What were you thinking!?


Anis:It's completly destroyed. With friends like you, who needs enemies?

Shifty:...Raptures in that area have no anti-air weapons.


Kumagawa glanced at Marian for a moment fast enough for no one to notice. That little theory of his begins to seem more likely.

Kumagawa:[Well now, the plot thickens.]

Rapi:Shifty, can you send me the data of the transport ship's black box?

Shifty:Sure, once I'm done analyzing. It won't take long.

Rapi:Okay. Thank you.

Shifty:Just a second. Well there...

An holographic screen appeared in front of Kumagawa, Shifty greeting him with a smile. He has to say, she knows how to say hello.

Shifty:Hello there! I'm Shifty, from the Ark Intelligence Department. I'll be assisting you throughout this operation from now on. Nice to be working with you!

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