Prologue: An Interesting Job

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So, you want to hear another story, huh? One where the very fate of the universe hangs in the balance? If not, too bad - I'm telling you anyway.

First in the deserted wasteland of Pandora, there was the Vault, an alien prison opened with a mystical key. To the warriors who opened it, the Vault was just a container of tentacles and disappointment. They vanished into the wastelands, certain that the Vault held no treasure at all.

They were wrong.

The Vault's opening triggered the growth of Eridium, a priceless alien element. Soon, the rare and valuable mineral emerged all across Pandora. Its appearance attracted many.

Including... the Hyperion corporation. They came to Pandora to mine Eridium, and bring order to the savage planet. Through their excavations, Hyperion uncovered evidence of an even greater Vault. Their leader vowed to find it - to use its power to civilize the Borderlands once and for all. But Hyperion weren't the only ones searching for the next Vault's alien power.

The call of danger and loot is not so easily resisted. Certain warriors came to Pandora in droves to uncover its hidden secrets. Some would call them adventurers. Others call them fools. But I... call them Vault Hunters.

Our story begins with them and with a man named Handsome Jack...

But our story adds a young man... one whose blood is half-human and demon who travelled across the universe slaying monsters and demons alike! 

This is the story of a birthing Legend among the Borderlands...

The scene starts a close-up of a pool of black slime in a dark red and purple land. A large paw emerges from within the slime and a Beowulf gradually crawls out, slime sliding off of it and onto the ground.

The camera pans out to show several such pools and many Beowolves emerging. It pulls further and further out to show a mostly dark and desolate land made up of red ground, purple crystals, and a red and black clouded sky.

The images shimmers and we see Emerald and Mercury reflected in a window, watching from inside a high building. Emerald has her hand to her mouth while Mercury seems slightly disgusted. A gloved hand appears between two purple crystal formations and snaps its fingers.

A wide shot reveals a large windowed room, at the center of which is a long purple, crystal table. Four people sit at the table with seven chairs. One of them is Cinder Fall, the current Fall Maiden. Emerald and Mercury move away from the window.

There's a close-up of the man sitting across from Cinder, Arthur Watts. He is looking at his scroll. 

Next is the man to Cinder's right, Tyrian Callows, He sits in a crouch casually on his chair, resting his arms on his knees.

Across from Tyrian is Hazel Rainart. His arms are crossed, and he looks asleep.

Cinder sits quietly, while Mercury and Emerald move to her side. Emerald nudges Mercury out of her way so that she can be directly next to Cinder.

Watts: Yes, yes, please keep your posse in check.

Mercury grunts and makes a move toward Watts, but Emerald holds him back.

Watts: You hear that? Silence.

Hazel gives Watts an unimpressed sideways glance.

Watts: I've half a mind to thank the little girl that bested you.

Tyrian: If I were you, I'd hunt her down. (snicker) Find her and, well, she took your eye, didn't she?

Cinder only stares at Tyrian while he cackles at her. Cinder tries to speak but only manages to make quiet exhaling noises. Emerald leans in to hear her.

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