Chapter 22: A Devil's Home with the Fairies

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Dawn had risen as sunlight shines over the ruins of the castle. Pyra, Natsu, still in Dragon Force, stood tall with the Devil Trigger Y/N. Both men fell to their knees. Natsu fell on his hands, while Y/N used Rebellion to support himself.

The scales vanished from Natsu's body as he returned to his normal state, and red mist rose from Y/N's body, he then returned to his human appearance; both regained their breaths.

Y/N: (panting and looking at Natsu) Now that... was a rush.

Natsu: (panting) You said it bud.

Natsu smiled and held up a fist, Y/N smiled and the two weakly fist-bumped.

Pyra: (smile) You two are the exact split images of Igneel and Sparda.

???: Natsu! Y/N!

They both turned around to see Raven, Kat, Trish, Aerith, Tifa, Happy, Wendy, Carla, Erza, Gray, Ur, Lucy, Juvia, Levy, Cana, Elfman, and Mirajane run towards them. Happy flew into Natsu's chest as the blue cat cried and the two found themselves circled by their friends who began to praise them.

Levy: You guys were so awesome!

Cana: You two kicked those guy's asses!

Elfman: Yeah, that was so freaking manly!

Wendy: (stars in her eyes) You're both so amazing!

Carla: Yes, quite impressive. 

Gray: Not bad, not bad at all. Aside from completely destroying this castle.

Lucy: There's no doubt about it, these two are the strongest!

Trish looked to Y/N and smiled in his direction, and he smiled back. Admitting their praises, both the Fire Dragon Slayer and the Devil Hunter smiled.

Y/N: So where's everyone else? Gajeel, Lady, Barret, Red, and the others? (looks and smirks at Lucy) And your boyfriend Lucy?

Lucy's face turned red with steam coming from her ears.

Lucy: He's not my boyfriend! Anyway, he went back to the Spirit World to rest up.

Erza: Nia, Dromarch, Gajeel, Lady and the Thunder Legion went to retrieve B/N and Malos. They should be back soon.

???: They ain't there.

They all looked to the side to see Nia, Dromarch, Gajeel, Lady, Freed, Bickslow, and Evergreen walk towards the crowd.

Gajeel: B/N and Malos ain't there.

They were surprised, especially Y/N and Pyra.

Natsu: Not there?! What do you mean not there?!

Lady: They're gone, no sign of them.

Freed: It was as if they vanished in thin air.

Gray: They just got the crap beaten out of them and then some! How could they have just walked away?!

At that moment, a strong wind blew past them; and a few of them could see a figure briefly move in the wind.

???: This is far from over. You will see me again.

Wendy, Lucy, and Erza especially had a chill sent down their spine as they all looked in the direction of the wind had gone, but they saw nothing.

Happy: (shivered) Okay... that was scary.

Lucy: (frighten) Anyone else a little freaked out right now? Not just me?

Cana, Wendy, Levy, Juvia, Happy, even Lady, all raised their hands in agreement.

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