Y/N Sparda Redgrave, the Son of the Legendary Devil Hunter Dante, was in charge of his father's shop while he was gone to the underworld with Vergil. Dante's shop was trashed (again), but now it's time to move on. Y/N joins Fairy Tail, and meets peo...
Gajeel was holding up a stray cat, after looking at it for a few seconds, he quickly put it down.
Gajeel: No!
He stomped further into an alleyway, coming across more and more stray cats.
Gajeel: Nope! Not this one either! Definitely not!
As he continued to stomp away, he began to feel exhausted until he tripped on a bottle and fell face-first on the ground.
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A certain blonde, lighting-wielding, devil hunter crouched down to his level.
Trish: And what's eating you up?
Gajeel: Salamander and that little girl have their own flying, magical, kitty cats!
Comical tears were about to come out of the Iron Dragon Slayer's eyes.
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Gajeel: I'm a Dragon Slayer too, so I deserve a furry friend like they do!
Trish: (slight chuckle) Oh, that's adorable. Big bad Gajeel wants his own little kitty-cat.
Gajeel: (glares towards her) You tell Salamander or Rose about this, I'll pound you so deep into the ground, you'll think you're a fossil!
Trish: Is that so?
There was a faint light further in the alleyway that got their attention, one that surrounded a certain cat. Gajeel gave a hopeful smile, while Trish just looked amused thinking.
Trish: (thoughts) This is gonna end badly.
Fairy Tail
At the Guildhall many wizards were celebrating for some unknown reason, as if they needed a reason.
Cana: (anger vein popping out of her head) Geez calm it down! It's barely past noon!
Modeus: Do you always drink alcohol this early in the morning? Have you ever considered switching drinks? Perhaps tea would serve you better.
Cana: (glares with eyes becoming four-pointed stars) Take my alcohol away and see what happens, demon-boy!