Chapter 26: Earthland

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Gajeel was holding up a stray cat, after looking at it for a few seconds, he quickly put it down.

Gajeel: No!

He stomped further into an alleyway, coming across more and more stray cats.

Gajeel: Nope! Not this one either! Definitely not!

As he continued to stomp away, he began to feel exhausted until he tripped on a bottle and fell face-first on the ground.

As he continued to stomp away, he began to feel exhausted until he tripped on a bottle and fell face-first on the ground

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A certain blonde, lighting-wielding, devil hunter crouched down to his level.

Trish: And what's eating you up?

Gajeel: Salamander and that little girl have their own flying, magical, kitty cats! 

Comical tears were about to come out of the Iron Dragon Slayer's eyes. 

Gajeel: I'm a Dragon Slayer too, so I deserve a furry friend like they do!

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Gajeel: I'm a Dragon Slayer too, so I deserve a furry friend like they do!

Trish: (slight chuckle) Oh, that's adorable. Big bad Gajeel wants his own little kitty-cat.

Gajeel: (glares towards her) You tell Salamander or Rose about this, I'll pound you so deep into the ground, you'll think you're a fossil!

Trish: Is that so?

There was a faint light further in the alleyway that got their attention, one that surrounded a certain cat. Gajeel gave a hopeful smile, while Trish just looked amused thinking.

Trish: (thoughts) This is gonna end badly.

Fairy Tail

At the Guildhall many wizards were celebrating for some unknown reason, as if they needed a reason.

Cana: (anger vein popping out of her head) Geez calm it down! It's barely past noon!

Modeus: Do you always drink alcohol this early in the morning? Have you ever considered switching drinks? Perhaps tea would serve you better.

Cana: (glares with eyes becoming four-pointed stars) Take my alcohol away and see what happens, demon-boy!

Modeus: I'm merely trying to help.

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