Y/N Sparda Redgrave, the Son of the Legendary Devil Hunter Dante, was in charge of his father's shop while he was gone to the underworld with Vergil. Dante's shop was trashed (again), but now it's time to move on. Y/N joins Fairy Tail, and meets peo...
Natsu and the others have brought the unconscious Y/N back to the guildhall. To say many of them were surprised was an understatement. Trish and Wendy were particularly shocked themselves.
After bringing him to the infirmary, Wendy asked if she could heal him; but she was surprised to find that he had no injuries. Cloud and Trish now looking over their unconscious partner while Natsu, Erza, Lucy, Gray, and Happy were explaining the situation to Makarov while the rest of the guild listened.
Makarov: Hmm. Strange that he would attack then retreat.
Erza: He said he had what he needed. But I also think he was letting us know he's out there and can attack us whenever he chooses.
Lucy: That guy was definitely freaky. He moved so fast, it was almost like he was the wind.
Erza: Not just the way he moved, there was something odd about him. Like this feeling around him. Not like a normal person, more like some kind of monster; the way he felt, it was cold and dark.
Elfman: Sounds like some fancy dark wizard who needs a manly kick in the ass.
Gray: Man, I can't believe we let that guy blindside us.
Juvia: In our defense, he must have been a strong and powerful opponent to defeat one such as my darling.
Natsu: That guy pulled a cheap shot.
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Makarov: I'm sure we'll see this man again soon. I'm more interested in this transformation Y/N underwent.
Mirajane: Are you sure it wasn't a Takeover spell?
Erza: No, it definitely was not.
Carla: Seems like Y/N was hiding some information from us. I knew he was.
Wendy: What about this other guy though? Did he say why he attacked Y/N?
Erza: No, but he did say he was Y/N's brother.
That statement was a major shock to the present audience.
Cana & Levy: (shocked) His brother?!
Gray: It's a load of crap if you ask me. He probably said that just to mess with us.
Natsu: I don't think so. He did smell a lot like Y/N.
Makarov: Did you get this man's name?
Lucy: Yeah, he said his name was B/N.
A single 'ahem' caused the wizards to all turn around to a certain she-demon who had just arrived.
Happy: Trish? Shouldn't you be with Y/N and Cloud?
Trish: He's fine, looking after him. I couldn't help but overhear though. This man; black and dark blue robe, a katana blade, white hair, blue eyes that look like they could bore a hole into your very soul?