Y/N Sparda Redgrave, the Son of the Legendary Devil Hunter Dante, was in charge of his father's shop while he was gone to the underworld with Vergil. Dante's shop was trashed (again), but now it's time to move on. Y/N joins Fairy Tail, and meets peo...
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Carla: That's correct. The world that exists independently from the one we know. And unfortunately, a world that has begun losing its Magic.
Wendy: They're running out of Magic there?
Pyra: But how is that even possible?
Carla: Unlike here, Magic is a finite resource; without limits on its use, it will one day disappear forever.
Y/N: Are you sure you're not talking about the Demon World?
Carla: No, Edolas and the Demon World are two completely separate worlds entirely.
Modeus: I can confirm that.
Natsu: What do you mean?
Modeus: Over 2,000 years ago; when this world and the Demon Realm were connected, there were many rumors of a world that was parallel to this one; Sparda had heard of this 'Edolas', and even said that it too would be a target of conquest for the Demon Emperor Mundus. Unfortunately though, due to Sparda's rebellion and his pact with the Dragons, Mundus' plan never reached fruition.
Ruby: Wow, take about a rare chance.
Pyra: Yes, Sparda himself admitted to me, there's no telling how many worlds there could be.
Carla: Returning to the matter at hand.
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In an attempt to restore their rapidly diminishing Magic power reserves; the Kingdom of Edolas developed a spell that would absorb the magic from another world, our world. It is indeed a very powerful spell, called Anima. That was what opened the hole in the sky.
Wendy: So.... that's it.
With this piece of info, Wendy knew this was the reason Mystogen left her behind all those years ago.
Carla: Six years ago, they began setting up Anima-Portals all across the border between the two worlds; but the experiment did not go as they planned. It seems someone made it their goal to close them, one-by-one.
With this piece, Wendy knew who this someone was.
Carla: (thoughts) My suspicions were raised when Wendy told me what happened with Jellal. But the story makes even more sense if he's actually Mystogen. I'm sure he must have been the one closing the Anima. (speaking) But this Anima was simply too large. No one was strong enough to close it, thus the guild and everything surrounding it was absorbed.