Seriously charlotte

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Charlotte and Mia had gone to the bar for their Friday evening night out that they do every Friday night, Mia has gone up to go to the toilet leaving char at the bar. As char is sat there just scrolling through her phone waiting for her love to come she hears a voice.

"Well hello beautiful" this woman says to char

"Hello" char replies sounding very confused.

"My names lily" she says

"Oh that's such a pretty name, I'm Charlotte"

"Well then Charlotte, I must say those eyes of yours are out of this world"

"Oh, thank you, your hair is beautiful. I've always wanted long blonde hair"

Lily reaches her hand and places it on charlottes leg just as she's about to talk she looks up and sees a very angry red headed woman standing behind Charlotte.

Char can feel Mia's eyes burning the back of her head and turns to her girlfriend, before she can get a word out to her Mia just storms off. Charlotte pays their tab and rushes after her girlfriend calling her name, Mia hears her but chooses to ignore her.

She sits in her car waiting for Charlotte, one thing Mia would never do is leave the brunette alone at the bar. Charlotte gets to the car and sits in the passenger seat. The drive home is silent and not a comfortable silence either.

Mia gets out the car and slams the door really hard making char jump by the front door.

"Jesus Mia" Charlotte spit.

"The fuck you say to me" Mia snaps

"What is your problem! I was literally just being friendly, can I not be friendly with woman anymore. Would you be this mad if it was a man"


"What." She says walking into the kitchen

"The woman was flirting with you. Jesus she had her hand on your thigh, you think that's friendly"

"Oh Amelia it was harmless, your being jealous"

Mia storms off upstairs getting herself undressed to go into the shower, she hears charlottes footsteps on the landing, she stands with her back to the door.

"Mia please, I wasn't flirting with her, I don't want anyone else but you" Charlotte pleads

"Char, baby, I love you but right now I just need some time to myself to calm down ok"

Charlotte turns round and walks off, going down to the kitchen to make food, although she's mad at Mia she would never not cook for her. So she puts on her music on loud and starts making dinner.

After Mia has calmed down she comes downstairs and stands in the kitchen doorframe watching her gorgeous girlfriend swaying her hips to the music. She walks over to Charlotte wrapping her arms round her.

"Baby I'm sorry I shouted, your right I was jealous. That woman was touching something that doesn't belong to her" Mia whispers in char's ear.

"Mia, it's okay, but I need you to be able to trust me. You blowing off like that just makes me think you don't actually trust me"

"Sweetheart.... I do trust you with every inch of me"

"Then stop getting so jealous the moment another woman looks at me, talks to me or even breaths near me, I'm yours and yours only"

"Mine you say" Mia says with a flirtatious look in her eye.

"All yours, every single inch of me. Including your favourite meal" char says winking, she goes to walk over to set the dinner table before feeling Mia grab her wrist.

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