The halloween party

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It's been a whole year since Autumn and Winter got together at the staff Halloween party. So much in that year has changed. They went through so much but have come out the other end and now are happily married.

Halloween was their favourite time of the year. Costumes were such a big thing to them both. So this year being their first year anniversary but also first year of marriage they had planned the best costume they know would show off the type of marriage they have.

They decided that this they would go as Morticia Addams and Gomez Adams. This is perfect for them as to the outside world Autumn can be very cold but with her sweet she is the most gentle and kind person. Winter can see sassy but with his love he is anything but. Alone they are the cutest couple ever.

The day of the Halloween party had rolled around. The siblings had taken over the nurseries so they decided they would let Marjorie have free rein on the party planning. If there's one thing Marjorie does best it's plan a party.

Winter and autumn just spent the day lazing around, watching horror films. Of course they had to watch autumns favourite. Texas chainsaw massacre. Autumn doesn't do physical touch but she really craved a cuddle of winter so she snuggled up to him, resting her back against his chest.

Autumn looked at the big clock on the wall and saw it was 4 o'clock she woke winter up letting him know she was going to shower. She gave him a smirk. Winter knew what that smirk meant. He grabbed her hand practically dragging her up the stairs.

Autumn ripped of her jogging bottoms and black vest top revealing that she had nothing on underneath. Winter watched as his goddess, his wife stood infront of him naked. His eyes scan her whole body. Her perfectly shaped breasts, her toned abs, her perfect blue eyes, the way her hair fulls onto her shoulders.

Autumn watched as her husbands eyes was scanning her body. She walked past him making sure to sway her as she walks into the bathroom, her perfectly peached ass cheeks shaking from side to side.

Winters jaw practically hit the floor. One year later and this woman still makes him feel like it's the first time he's seen her naked. He quickly strips off and walks into the bathroom. Autumn turns round to see her husband stood naked. His huge penis stood up. The man might be short but he certainly makes up for it in other places, autumn raises an eye brow and as smirks at her husband.

He rushes over pushing her against the wall capturing her into a soaring kiss. Autumn quickly changes the position having winter now pinned against the wall. She trails her hand down his body, being sure to use her nails as this really turns winter on. Her hands stop just below his belly button, she starts trailing kisses down his toned abs, before getting down onto her knees and looking up at him. As they make contact Autumn takes winters while length into her mouth. This causes him to jolt taking one hand and grabbing a chunk of her hair, his head flings back and he lets out a loud moan.

After a while of taking him in her mouth she feels he is about to cum "let go for me my sweet". After hearing her give permission winter let's go into her house. Autumn lets out a moan as she feels her husband fill up her mouth. She swallows a little bit back before coming up to his mouth and spiting it into him. "Swallow it for me baby", winter does as his wife commands this cause something to snap in autumn. She drags him over to their bed leaving the shower running. She pushes him down onto the bed before lowering herself onto his hard penis before riding him fast, winter sees that she needs this so takes his thumb and massages her clit whilst she grinding down on his hard. She lets out the loudest moan as they both pick up their pace. "Winter my god" she moans out before she's about to cum Winter pulls her off him bending her over onto all 4's before pounding into her really hard. Autumn lets out the biggest scream as she reaches her peak, winter slows down his rhythm allowing his wife to come down. Once she's relaxed he removes himself letting her know they need to start getting ready. But not before he turns her over planting kisses all over her and praising her. He takes her hand and guides her into the shower, where he washes her body still making sure to tell his wife how much he loves and adores her.

Autum finished up in the shower before grabbing her towel and going over to her desk to do her hair and make up. Once that was done she slipped into her costume. She went down stairs and poured herself a glass of wine, although these people are her family she still feels very nervous. It's the first year she attending as joint owner of the nursery.

Winter come down dressed as Gomez Addams, "My sweet, you look fantastic" she says admiring her husband. "You look amazing my love, that dress clings to all the right places, I'm not sure I'm going to be able to keep my hands off you" he says and he takes her hand planting kisses over it just like Gomez does in the film.

The couple walk out climbing into the taxi, autumn's hands resting on her tummy, trying to settle the nerves she feels. After around 15 minutes they arrive at the venue. Marjorie really out done her self. She had kitted out the front of the venue with inflatable horror film characters, once inside, the room was decorated with lots of spooky decorations, a apple bobbing area, a cauldron full of red wine with edible finger sweets in it. A sweet cart full of Halloween themed sweets. Then a huge dance for. Not to forget the butlers in buff walking round, holding trays of champagne.

As Winter grabbed a drink for him and his wife, Marjorie clocks on that they finally arrive 1 hour late of course. "Nice of you two to join" she jokes. "Here aren't I" Autumn smirks, She then lets out a laugh as she sees Reece dressed as Ken.

"Your idea or Marjorie's" she laughs.

"Haha very funny" he snaps angrily.

"Reece, what's wrong" she asks concerned about her big brother.

"Nothing aut, Just me and Marjorie. We had a pretty serious argument before we came out. I said some really hurtful things to her". Autumn signalled for Winter to give them a minute before she walks over to one of the booths Reece following her.

"What did you say to her" autumn quizzes.

"I told her I didn't want to be with her. She was a mistake. She was pushy and clingy. Aut she isn't any of those things at all. She everything the sun, the moon, the Milky Way. She's my life. I've lost her" he lets out the biggest heart wrenching sob autumn has ever heard.

"Right listen to me. Stay here. Breathe. I'm going to talk to her, We will sort this. You two will be fine" she tells him.

She gets up walking over to winter whispering something in his ear. She then clocks Marjorie sat with Mia and Charlotte who are dressed as the angel and devil, if you could call it a costume. More like lace and frill, not leaving much to imagination.

"Marjorie. With me now" Autumn says slightly raising her voice. Marjorie just stares at her not moving.

"Marjorie I will drag you by the scuff of your neck. With me now!" She spits out again. This time Marjorie gets up and follows autumn over to a separate booth to Reece.

"Whats going on" she says with a much softer tone to last time.

"He said some hurtful things. I never knew he felt that way. I don't mean to be clingy. I pushed way too hard on the outfits. He was stressed. He'd just found out I wasn't sure if I ever wanted kids and I stupidly pushed an Halloween outfit on him instead of talking about what he heard properly" she rambles out. Autumn looks at her shocked. No wonder Reece snapped she thought to herself.

"Majorie. Go over there and speak to him. Sort this out. You both love each other right." Marjorie nods.

"Then go fix it" she says getting up and walking back over to winter. The pair sit at the bar just chatting away. Reminiscing about the past year.

After around an hour she looks over at the booth to see Marjorie straddling Reece. The pair kissing passionately, she lets out a smirk. She'd never admit it but she loves seeing her brother and best friend together. She loves seeing how happy they make each other.

In that moment she looks over at Winter before saying.

"My sweet I want to try for a baby", she says. Winter just takes her hand under the bar and squeezes it.

"Okay My love" he says.

Is their family about to expand? Or is it not meant to be

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