Please wake up

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Marjorie rushes over to Mia after watching her crash to the floor. She instructs Reece to call everyone and let them know what has happened.

After calling everyone they all turn up first.
Autumn and Winter arriving first, Carly managed to get her mom to drop her off. Sorcha and clodagh arriving shortly after.

Carly immediately runs over to the red head who as of recently has become like a big sister to her. Mia takes the young brunette in her arms squeezing her tight. "She's a fighter carls she'll pull through" The red head says trying to reinsure the teenager.

A few hours passed by and they heard no news. That was until Marjorie spotted Vivian at the desk. She rushes over to the dark haired woman.

"Viv, can you help us. Please tell me there's news" Marjorie begs.

"Sorry Marjorie. She still hasn't woken. Between me and you it's not looking to hopeful right now. We are going to run some brain stem tests to see where we are at with her brain activity" Viv says rushing off.

Marjorie looks over at her nursery family and walks off taking a moment outside. Reece watches as the love of his life walks off. He follows her watching as she's about to fall to the ground. He rushes over catching her in his arms and she lets out some gut wrenching sobs.

"Princess. You have been strong for Mia and everyone else. Let me be strong for you.
It's okay she's your best friend. Your allowed to break to"

"Re.Reece. Viv said it isn't looking very hopeful, what if she doesn't wake. I can't go ok without my best friend" Majorie sobs

"Marj she's a fighter she's going to pull through and she going to wake up and make her jokes that aren't funny but we are funny at the same time. And she shine like the star she is and she'll be stood by you when we get married because she's your best friend, your sister" Reece says holding his love

Marjorie stands up and pulls Reece into her instantly relaxing in his arms. It's her safe place always been and always will be. The pair head back to the group just as Vivian comes out.

"Mia. We need you. We want to try something. Follow me" the dark haired woman said.

Mia follows Vivian to where Charlotte is, tubes coming out her mouth, wires all over her arms and chest. Mia's heart breaks seeing the love of her life like this.

"Mia. She has brain activity which is good but she's locked in, she can't wake up so we are hoping if she hears you and your voice she'll find a way to wake up" Vivian explains to Mia .

Mia wipes her face and makes her way over to her fiancé, taking her hand in hers placing lots of kisses against her hand and leaning into her neck taking in the smell of charlottes perfume. Mia spends hours talking to Charlotte and nothing changes. The doctors grow increasingly concerned wondering why Charlotte hasn't woken up yet.

Days turn into weeks and Mia doesn't leave charlottes side once. Marjorie, Reece, Autumn, Winter and Carly come everyday always bringing Mia coffee and food as well as clean clothes. They told her everyday to go home and rest but she would always ignore them. She can't leave incase Charlotte wakes up.

It hits 4 weeks since Charlotte has been in her coma, the scars have healed the infection was gone however Charlotte still hasn't woken up. The doctors had to make the decision if it was time to turn off the machines. They tried to have the conversation with Mia several times and each time she would kick them out the room. This time charlottes doctor asked Vivian to have the conversation as Mia's friend. The pair grew closer as Mia spent every minute of every day in the hospital.

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