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Marjorie is sat in her office just working away when a parents knocks at the door explaining she has come to drop off a congratulations card for autumn and winter, the parent then decides to tell Marjorie that she'll be next to get married, Marjorie secretly hopes she's right, she loves Reece with her whole heart.

The parent then goes onto tell Marjorie that after marriage comes the babies, Marjorie instantly clams up she have never been maternal and having worked with children it's put her off. She's always been scared that she'll turn out just like her mother.

The parent starts getting very persistent about Marjorie having babies after she gets married, Marjorie starts telling the parent that her a Reece haven't even discussed it so. After a while of this parent pushing and pushing Marjorie snaps.

"Maybe I don't even want children" she shouts at this parent.

Unbeknown to Marjorie her boyfriend is stood outside the office door. He hears this and instantly runs out to his car. He sits in his car he feels every emotion. He just drops Marjorie a text

I'm outside waiting for you.

Marjorie hears her phone ping and looks at the text, she instantly senses that something is wrong with Reece, no hello, no kisses and very blunt, she starts to panic. She tells the parent that she must go her boyfriend is waiting for her. With that Marjorie leaves the office and locks it up, she put the security code in turning on the alarm before locking the main door.

She walks over to Reece's car, a strange feeling in her stomach. She climbs into the passenger seat and looks over at her boyfriend, she sees the sadness in his eyes. The drive home was silent and very awkward. Never have they ever had a drive home like this.

They both make their way into the house, Marjorie puts down her bags and kicks off her shoes whilst Reece walks straight into the kitchen making a start on their tea, Marjorie walks up behind him and puts her arms around him.

"Get off me Marjorie" he snaps.

"Wh... wha...what" she stutters feeling so rejected by her boyfriend.

"You heard. I said get off me . In fact get out the kitchen I don't want to breathe the same air as someone who can lie to me" he snaps even harder

"Reece. I haven't lied about anything. But I can clearly see you need your space. So I'm going to go up to the bedroom"

Marjorie walks up to the bedroom and throws her self onto the bed and breaks down crying, "why is he so mad at me" "he's never said that to me" "he's never spoken to me that way before", her thoughts run crazy whilst she sits and sobs uncontrollably.

Back down stairs Reece is stood in the kitchen, he's also sobbing, "why did I speak to her like that" "I love her, I will always love her" "I don't need kids, do I need kids, I want them but I don't need them, I need her" he thinks to himself. He plates up dinner leaving his in the oven and putting Marjorie's on the dining table. He picks up his keys and leaves the house, he texts Marjorie to let her know where he's going.

Marjorie, your dinner is on the table, I just need to some space. I love you and I always will. I will be back soon and we can talk.

After around an hour Marjorie is just lying on the sofa still crying. She hears the front door open she jumps up and sees Reece. He walks over to her and holds her hand.

"I think we need to talk" he says

"Ok" Marjorie says with concern

"I was stood outside your office earlier when you was speaking to that parent. Marjorie I need you to be honest with me now ok. Do you want kids"

"I...I....I'm not sure Reece, I don't exactly see them in my future, I never really have"

"Why have you never told me"

"It's never come up so I just presumed you felt the same"

"Well I don't ok"


"I'm sorry baby that come out wrong. I don't feel the same I would love kids especially yours"

"I'm sorry I never said anything. It's just I don't want them. I don't want to let them down like my mom did me. I would totally understand if you wanted to leave and I would never hold it against you especially if you want kids"

Marjorie stands up and leaves the living room going into the kitchen to get a glass of water. She immediately breaks down worried that this is the end of her and Reece, the one man who's ever truly loved her and ever treated her the way he does.

Reece hears his girlfriend crying in the kitchen and immediately shoots up and runs into her taking her into his arms and cuddling the woman of his dreams. It's at this moment he realises he doesn't need kids he has Majorie.

"Princess, look at me please" he asks her, she looks up at him.

"I am not going anywhere not now not ever, I will never leave you. I love you Majorie I have loved you since the moment I saw you in the office, I loved you even though you shouted at me and cancelled our date, I love you because you see me not my wallet, I love you because your the most loyal and caring person ever, I love you because you became a friend to autumn and always supported her. I don't need children, I need you Majorie. You're my best friend, my lover, my girlfriend and my future wife." He tells her whilst staring directly into her eyes, she sees nothing but love and honesty.

"Oh Reece. I love you too. I love the way you look after me, I love the way you look after me, The way you look after Carly, I love all the little things you do, making my coffee in the morning, cooking my tea, making sure I have lunch, brining my coffee to me at work, I love you and I always will. I don't want this to break us"

"Majorie nothing will ever break us, we are strong and always will be"

They share a warm embrace in the kitchen Reece takes two fingers under Marjorie's chin lifting it up and planting a soft but passionate kiss on to his woman. Thoughts running round his head. Now feels like the right time to him.


"Yes my love"

"Marry me?" He asks

"Wh...wha... what" she stutters.

"Marry me"


He picks up his fiancé and spins her around, she wraps her legs around him and they go upstairs and enjoy a night of pure love and passion.

Just two people madly in love

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