We are all here for you.

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AN// TW on this one. Mentions of suicidal thoughts, wanting to commit suicide.

It seemed like just another normal day at the sister nursery for Reece, he sat in his office at his desk just lost in his computer screen replying to all his emails, that's until he hears a knock at the door, he looks up to see a tall brunette woman stood there.

"Hello can I help you" Reece asks

"Ah, I'm guessing you must be Reece right"

"Yea, that's right, may I ask who you are"

"I am Carly's mom. Erm I was just wondering if she's come into work, I haven't heard off her since last night I worked the night shift and she not answering me and isn't at home"

"Ah no she called in sick this morning" Reece said with concern growing on his voice.

"No worries she may have gone the shop, can I give you my number and if she turns up call me ok" she asks

"Sure, yeah".

The woman turns round and walks out the office, Reece can't focus on his work so drives over to Majorie's nursery to see if Marjorie or Charlotte have heard off Carly. As he drives over his phone starts ringing.

"Hey you" he says answering it

"Reece get over here now! It's Carly"

"I'm already on my way what's happening"

"I'll tell you once your here"

Reece pulls up into the car park of the sister nursery and rushes inside. He runs straight to the office to see Carly's mum stood there with tears rolling down her face and white envelopes in her hand.

"Sh...sh....shes run away" the brunette woman breaks down.

"What do you mean" Reece asks

The woman hands him an envelope with his name written across it.

Reece, My work dad, My best friend.

I am so sorry that I've done this but I couldn't deal with it anymore it was all to much. I just wanted the pain to stop. I wanted to get off the pain bus as we call it. I will forever be in debt to you. If it weren't for you, Marj or char I wouldn't have gotten this far. You showed me what it was like to have a dad and big brother in one. I'm so glad you came to work at the nurseries.

Reece please don't beat yourself up about this I know you will but don't ok, nothing anyone would have said or done would have changed my mind.

Make sure you look after Marjorie that woman adores you. And I know you adore her.

All my love Carly.

P.S you know where to find me. Send the police do not turn up yourself I don't need you to see that.

Reece grips the letter tight and runs out the nursery getting into his car and speeding off to the bridge him and Carly would always go to when she needed to escape. As he pulled up he saw a shadow of someone standing on the edge.

He text Marjorie to let her know he's found her but not to come he will bring her back.

He walks over and hears her crying.

"Carls" he says

"Reece I told you not to come"

"Carly. Get back from there we can speak about this, come on girl. I can't lose you. I can't lose my daughter"

"Reece I can't, it's to dark and I can't get out"

"I know, trust me I do, but I promise I will do everything in my power to get you out of this darkness, what do you always tell me"

"Happiness can be found even in the darkest times, if one only remembers to turn on the light. It's out Harry Potter" she says.

"Carly let me help you turn your light on"

With that Reece reaches out his hand and Carly takes it and climbs over the ledge falling into Reece's arms and instantly breaking down.

The pair walk over to the car, Reece gets Carly sat in the front and walks round to the drivers side he, starts up the car and makes the journey back to the nursery, the whole way Carly keeps apologising to Reece. They pull up onto the car park of the nursery and Marjorie comes running out followed by Charlotte. They both dive onto Carly and just hold her whilst she breaks.

Charlotte grabs Carly's hand and they walk into the nursery, and head straight to the staff room, every sat around different tables, they walk in and Carly spots her mom. She looks over and the woman who is sat staring into space.

"Mum" Carly cries out.

"You. Young lady are the most selfish person I have ever met in my life. All this for a bit of attention. Grow up Carly" the woman spits as she walks over to Carly she raises her hand to slap her when out of nowhere she feels someone rag at her hair. She is pulled down the corridor to the car park. She turned around to be greeted with the red headed woman she had heard stories about.

"I suggest you get in that pathetic little car and drive off before I do something I regret" Mia spits out

"All this for that attention seeking brat! No wonder her dad left"

"You call yourself a mother! That girl in there is fantastic, loving, beautiful and bubbly everything you wished you could be. You're a bitch" she says as her hand connects with the woman's face.

"Now I will be by later to collect Carly's things she can stay with me for a while. I will get her set up. She doesn't need you" Mia spits out not knowing that Charlotte and Carly are stood behind her.

The woman runs to her car and drives off, Mia turns and around and looks at Carly, before she can even say anything Carly has wrapped her arms around Mia's waist, Mia wraps her arms round Carly.

"Carl's listen, you will stay at mine ok, it's a big enough house. You make the room yours, my house is now your house okay sweet"

"M...Mia, thank you"

Charlotte looks at her girlfriend with nothing but love and appreciation. She mouths thank you as they all walk back into the nursery.

"Now why don't we all head back to mine and order in a domino's, I'm starving" Mia suggests.

Everyone goes and gets into their cars and heads over to Mias, Mia and char show Carly her new room, a king sized bed in the middle. Mia explains she's going to go and fetch all Carly's things in the morning but has spare pjs and things the girl can use.

Carly sits on the edge of her bed alone, everyone downstairs talking. She hears a knock and tells them to come in, she looks up to see autumn walking towards her.

"Carly, you know we are all here for you right, we will get you better okay! Don't worry about absolutely anything" autumn tells her placing a hand on her thigh which is huge for autumn.

Autumn leaves the room and walks down stairs and carries on talking to everyone. Carly walks down and sees everything just chatting away, Mia and Marjorie laughing.

"That's my family" she thinks to herself. In that moment Carly's heart felt full. She walks over to Reece and snakes her arms round his waist.

"Cheers dad" she says to him giggling.

"Don't be cheeky" he says giggling.

Carly found her forever family

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