Move in with me

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Charlotte woke up feeling pretty down. She sat up in bed staring at her beautiful red head girlfriend fast asleep looking so peaceful, Charlotte picked her phone up to check the time. Her alarm was about to go off so she turned it off making sure mia could stay asleep.

Charlotte got up and went into the shower, she turn the heat up really high trying to numb out the pain she was feeling, she couldn't quite put her finger on why she was feeling this way. After her shower she got herself ready and went down stairs making herself a coffee.

Charlotte drank her coffee then went and got into her car. Usually Mia would drive her in but char just wanted some time alone before having to put on a fake smile to get through her day.

When Charlotte pulled up at the nursery she pulled her phone out and sent Mia a text explaining that she wanted to drive herself in and that she will see her tonight, Mia replied to char's text asking if she was okay to which Charlotte just ignored her.

As the day went on it got worse and worse for Charlotte the parents were on something else today constantly moaning about something, shouting at her and complaining about the stupidest of things, as the last child is waiting to be picked up Charlotte starts cleaning the baby room.

After cleaning the baby was picked up and Charlotte went straight to the staff room to grab her things, she just wanted to go home and collapse into Mia's arms but something was stopping her from going home.

Charlotte got into her car and ended up in the bar that her and Mia went to the night Mia came home to save Charlotte, was history repeating itself. Charlotte sat at the bar and ordered herself a large gin and tonic. Her phone started to ring and ring and ring which she ignored every call and text that came through to her.

Back at home Mia was sat on the sofa waiting for Charlotte to come home, when it hit 7:30 and she had already called Charlotte a dozen times she decided to call Marjorie.

"Mia" Marjorie answered

"Marjorie, did Charlotte leave work today"

"Yeah she left at 6:30 after her shift ended, is everything ok Mia she seemed so upset today and when I tried to ask her she snapped my head off"

"Really. Oh. Erm I'm not sure she hasn't come home yet and she usually comes home. The girls are with Sam tonight"

"Have you called her?"

"Yeah more than a dozen times"

Just as Mia went to speak again she heard Reece's voice in the back ground

"Tried that bar you found her in last time, seems she goes there when she's sad"

"Omg your right Reecey, thank you"

Mia hangs up the phone and gets into her car and makes the 20 minute drive to the bar, as she's driving her thoughts start going crazy, why is she sad, have I done something, is she regretting us, maybe this is her trying to leave me, she's going to leave me isn't she.

As Mia arrives at the bar she spots charlottes car in the car park, she instantly parks next to it and gets out her car walking into the bar scanning the room looking for her brunette girlfriend, after a minute she spots her sat in a booth with Sara the waitress, they are just talking but Mia can't help but feel a little bit jealous.

Mia walks over to the table, Sara greets her and Charlotte looks up at her rolling her eyes very clear she's had a drink, she isn't drunk but she's had a couple.

"Char baby, are you ok" Mia asks her girlfriend

" oh Mia, just go" is all Charlotte says, Mia feels like her heart just shattered, she's leaving me, she doesn't even want me is all Mia can think.

" Charlotte..."

"No Amelia, I just want one evening, one evening where I'm not suffocated by you and your babyness, your clingyness, just leave me alone Jesus"

"No Charlotte, you do not get to do this. You don't get to push me away" Mia looks at Sara signalling for her to give the pair some space, Sara gets up and walks away.

"Oh look now you've scared Sara off, was you jealous Mia, is that why you scared her off"

"Charlotte Victoria what is your fucking problem"

"You. You are my problem. You came in with your beautiful red hair, your perfect face and perfect smile, your soft skin and swooped me off my feet, now I've fallen in love with you, my daughters love you but aren't enough are we because you can't seem to stay more than a few weeks a time with us before swanning off in your jollies" Charlotte instantly regretted saying that last bit she knew if Mia could she would stay home with her permanently.

Mia just looks at Charlotte, her heart has just shattered, she turns of her heels and just walks out of the bar going straight to her car, Charlotte shoots up instantly following her calling her name but Mia ignores her. She watches as Mia gets into her car and instantly breaks down, this breaks charlottes heart. I just broke the one woman who truly loves me, who wants me and my kids, who saved me all because I can't control these stupid emotions.

Charlotte climbs into the passenger side, sliding her hand onto Mia's thigh hoping that she can get out the words she needs to so she can save her relationship.


"Charlotte. How do could you say that, you know I would give anything to stay here with you and the girls, I love you all more than anything in this world"

"Baby I know I'm sorry. I just don't know why I feel so angry and sad"

"Let's go home and we can talk about this maybe" Mia asks

They leave charlottes car at the bar and take Mia's car home, the drive is silent and not the comfortable silent either, they both have things to say but they just don't know how to say it.

As they pulled up on the drive of Mia's home they both get out and head inside, Mia closes the door and locks it before Charlotte grabs her hand and leads her to the living room, the pair sit on the sofa and big gap separating them.

The silence is almost deafening to the women as they sit there neither one knowing how to start; before Mia breaks the silence.

"What's going on in that pretty head of yours princess"

"I woke up feeling like this, I don't know why and as the day has gone it it's got worse and worse, then topped off but the stupid parents, I guess I took it out on you and I shouldn't have. I love you and I'm so scared to lose you because you have become my life and it's scary. I never felt this with Sam your different Mia. Im so sorry for the way I spoke to you"

"Oh baby why didn't you wake me and we could of spoke before you went to work, you never ever have to worry about losing me because unfortunately for you princess I am here to stay"

"Mia I love you"

"I love you too"

"Listen princess" Mia pauses before carrying on "I had a evening planned tonight because I wanted to tell you something, so I struggling being away from you and the girls so much so I have decided I'm no longer going away, I don't need my dad everything I need is right here, you and the girls. I don't want to leave any of you again"

"W...Wa....what. Your staying like forever your not going away again"

" not unless it's with you and our girls" crap I just called them our girls Mia thinks to herself

"Amelia Mae Roberts. I adore you"

"One more question char"

"Go on"

"Will you and the girls move in with me, I've already sorted their rooms"

"Like we'd say no, of course we will, we practically already live here anyway, I will call my landlord in the morning and get out the lease"

The next few days the pair spent moving the rest of char's stuff into Mia's as well as the girls stuff.

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