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IT WAS ISABELLA'S FIRST TIME going to a Southampton FC game. Even though she spent some of her life there it was only recently that her brother became one of the owners.

The girl was sat at the lounge, her little brother on the side. Levi was standing up, taking countless pictures of the two.

"Quit it and sit down g. I'm tired of you." She demanded as covering her face with her palm. "How about you start being grateful?" Levi snapped right back.

"You two fight like kids." Jayvon noticed with a grin slowly appearing on his face. Isa and Levi side eyed each other and glanced at their brother with anger.

"At least we aren't in school." Isa responded with a smirk and high fiving her older brother. The game was starting in 10 minutes.

Most of the fans had already arrived so it was just a matter of time before the players would begin to walk out.

Jayvon was sitting on his phone while Isa and Levi were creating small talks when someone approached them. At first they were surprised but then they came to a realisation why they were there.

"Bels! Levi! It's been years!" Jude Bellingham spoke to the group. Isabella got up from her seat and gave Jude a welcoming hug whilst Levi dabbed him up.

"What have you been up to? Besides that you play for fucking Real Madrid?" Levi asked with friendly jealousy making Jude chuckle.

"Great. Moving out was horrible though, a lot of chaos. What about you?" He questioned back after giving a good response.

"Not much." Levi shrugged making Isabella frown. "He owns half of Southampton Football Club. Nothing much though eh?" She added as looking at her brother.

"Fucking hell you serious?" Jude asked as his gaze switched from Isa to Levi. "Yeah but it's not public yet." Levi explained.

"What are you doing here?" Isabella finally asked the question she's had on her mind since the guy joined them in.

"My brother's playing. You know Jobe right?" He answered as nodding his head towards the pitch.

When Isa heard the guy's name, she felt her stomach drop a little. She didn't know why exactly, really she could only wonder.

Jobe and Isabella used to be very close when growing up. The two lived practically next door. They'd spend most of their time together and even went to the same school together.

That until Jobe fully focused on football and left their town on a random week five years ago. She hasn't heard from or of him since.

She didn't know whether he'd remember her or not, and that was why it hurt a little even to think of him being this close to the girl.

"You can go with me to the pitch after the game if you'd like." Jobe offered and before either of the older Colwill siblings could reply, Jayvon begun agreeing.

"Hell yes. I'm in. I don't care what those bums say imma go with you regardless." Jayvon acknowledged the Real Madrid player making him laugh.

"We'll go." Levi agreed and then glancing pleadingly at his sister. "Whatever. You owe me." Isa rolled her eyes and crossed her arms after her statement.

The game had just started. Isa watched the played carefully and when she spotted Jobe she had realised how much he's changed.

From that far away she could barely see as she was blind as a bat. Not even contacts helped her anymore. It was just awful.

Match ended with a negative outcome for Southampton as they lost 2-1 to Sunderland. It was disappointing for the family but there were far more games this season.

When the whistle blew the whole group including Jude and his mom walked down the stairs and then we're lead onto the pitch.

Some players were surprised to see Levi, but some seemed to immediately get along with him as they used to be friends.

Jayvon was taking pictures with nearly everybody who agreed for it and was having a lot of fun unlike Isabella.

She was walking everywhere and nearly hiding behind her big brother's back. She was naturally a shy person so he wasn't too surprised.

That until she was left alone nearly on the middle of the grass. She shook her head thinking that it was a mistake to come down until she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"You lost?" A manly voice spoke from behind making her jump in fear and turning around almost immediately. "Didn't mean to scare you." He apologised as a smile formed on his face.

She could see a dimple on one side of his face which made her feel sure about who was talking to her. The one and only, Jobe Bellingham.





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