Chapter 2: Carly?

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Marjorie walked into the break room, Charlotte was walking beside her tiredly. The day had been incredibly quiet since Carly left about an hour earlier.

Charlotte took a deep sigh, she was tired and over worked and the fact that they had been left short staffed meant their breaks were going to be even shorter to ensure everyone got them.

Winter was somewhere in one of the rooms, Autumn was probably helping out in either preschool or toddlers since Carly left half way through the day after feeling ill.

Autumn never enjoyed being in the rooms but she over all didn't mind the children, just the parents and hand over especially at the end if the day.

The break room wasn't that big it could maybe hold 5 people at most. There was a mini fridge to the side of the room, on said fridge was multiple drawings some of the children made.

Marjorie walked over to the fridge to get her food while still continuing her conversation with Charlotte.

There was now a new piece of paper hung up by a magnet. The magnet was quiet small it was a picture of a crescent moon.

Upon further inspection of the strange note Marjorie began to panic.

'Hello to whoever is reading this. I'm sorry but I simply cannot do it anymore. I feel like all I do is mess up. If you want to find my body it will more then likely be under Warrans Bridge in the forest close to Marjorie's House. I've got a note for all of you back at my house in a box under my bed. My mum when she finds it will hopefully give them to you all. Thank you for everything, I'm sorry. -Carly'

"Charlotte!?" Marjorie said obviously panicked

"Yes Marjorie, is something wrong?" Charlotte replied moving over to Marjorie and standing next to the shorter woman.

"Did carly.. maybe.. uhmm.. say anything worrying?" Marjorie said carefully

"No? Although today she gave me and Reece a hug before she left." Charlotte mentions reminding Marjorie that Reese had come over to make sure Carly was okay and eating well after Reece had noticed Carly was a bit more closed off.

"We need to get to Warrans Bridge." Marjorie said, grabbing her car keys and leaving the note on the table.

Charlotte picked the piece of paper and put it in her pocket just in case Marjorie wanted to look back over it.

"Marj, what's going on..? What's happened?" Charlotte follows after the shorter woman, falling behind slightly

"Carly left a suicide note."

"What?" The woman froze

"We need to go."

"You're lying."

"No, now come on!"

Marjorie grabs the taller womans hand and drags her to her car. It was raining, tipping it down even.

Charlotte quickly made calls to everyone in the Nursery telling them they were out and they probably won't be back because something came up. Charlotte didn't want them to worry so the didn't say anything about Carly's note. Charlotte read over it over and over again.

Why? Why would she do this?

These questions might never be answered if they didn't get there in time. The rain was beginning to clear up after about 5 minutes.

The drive to the forest was slow, too slow Marjorie started to speed by a couple hours an hour hoping she wouldn't be pulled over and that Carly, the girl she saw as a best friend and even felt some maternal love for would be okay.

Another slow, and worrying 10 minutes passed. They pulled into a old looking car park and jumped out the car and rushed over to the only path Marjorie was aware of.

The path was old and worn away but still visible, Charlotte and Marjorie ran as fast as they can, they started getting a bit light headed due to not getting enough air into their lungs but didn't stop. Every so often they stopped and listened.

The forest was dark and wet luckily the sun had not yet started setting if it had then they more then likely wouldn't be able to see much ahead of them.

About ten minutes into the path they found foot prints, the were a bit washed away but they were still visible.

They saw multiple animals come out of the bushes before hiding away again, scared of these new creatures.

They ran for another 5 minutes by now it had stopped raining completely.

They could see the old bridge and on the fence of it was a silhouette of a young teenage girl.

She was taking deep breaths and had her eyes closed.

"Carly no!"

It was too late. Carly threw herself over the edge.


Sorry this one is so short the next one is longer, promise!

Self image (The nursery nurse, Carly)Where stories live. Discover now