Chapter 3: fall

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Hey! To whoever is reading this, thanks! I am sorry if any of this information is off but I promise its done the best to my abilities, I've never been in an accident before that needed medical assistance but I have been on a first aid course so everything is based off what I learnt there, sorry for any mistakes!


Carly heard something, no someone or at least she thought she did.

She felt herself hit on some branches on the way down, if she was to survive she'd have some ugly and deep scars on her face, arms and torso.

She suddenly realised that she was scared about what came after death. Not the actual death but the unknown of what happens. She'd like to believe that there was a heaven but she didn't grow up Christian and never got the religion due to some prospects she didn't get.

Carly saw herself nearing the floor quickly, she was scared and happy at the same time.


Carly hits the floor and all consciousness leaves her almost instantly.


"Oh my God!" Marjorie quickly starts scaling her way down the steep hill the bridge was on to get to Carly, Charlotte was following a bit behind her.

Both Marjorie and Charlotte had heard the sickening crunch of the 17 year old hitting the branches and lastly the floor.

"Marjorie! Do you see where she landed!?" Charlotte shouts, looking around quickly

"Y-Yeah! Over here!" Marjorie shouts, running to the left of where they came down.

Charlotte sees Carly laying on her back in a uncomfortable and strange position.

"Shit.. uh.. Marjorie! Do you know DRCABC!?"

"DRCABC? I thought it was just DRABC" Marjorie shouted back, beginning to look for any danger around where Carly is.

The position Carly was in was going to be a pain while trying to get her in the recover position but sadly Charlotte couldn't do much about that.

"They added a bit onto it! Get an app open on your phone so we can record her condition!" Charlotte said, crouching beside her

"Hello," Charlotte spoke softly "Carly can you hear me, can you open your eyes?" Charlotte said this once in both of her ears before determining she was out.

"Can't you just go straight to CPR!?" Marjorie shouts, panicked

"No! You can see she's still breathing it'll cause more harm then good!"

The sky was getting darker now, they needed to hurry. Otherwise they'll be stuck in the forest with whatever creatures lived there.

Charlotte continues to go through all the steps of DRCABC, she makes sure Carly's Airway is open, makes sure she's breathing atleast 13 times in a minute and 3 times in 10 seconds. Although while checking the circulation in her arm she noticed a lot of self harm cuts.

"How could I not have noticed!?" She whispers angrily to herself.

After putting Carly into the recovery position they decided to fuck it, take there shirts of, leaving them both in bras and start bandaging them around Carly's more serious bleeding but luckily for all of them it wasn't Catastrophic bleeding she was bleeding a lot but it was not yet life threatening.

They carefully pick Carly up. Marjorie begins to panic as the sun has almost set but Charlotte is more worried about Carly then the both of them.

Charlotte pauses, remember she forgot to look for a neck or spine injury but it was too late now.

They practically sprinted back, leaving them 5 minutes before complete darkness. They were grateful the path was still visible on their way back.

"Get her in the back!" Marjorie shouted to Charlotte while sitting in the front and turning the engine on.

Charlotte carefully puts Carly in the back seat, carefully sliding herself into the seat next to her to make sure the young girl stays up straight.

Charlotte finally allows herself to tear up. The woman gently holds Carlys hand, stroking it gently trying to sooth both herself and Carly if at any point she woke up.

It was dark by now, Marjorie debated getting Charlotte to call Reese but considering how close he was to Carly she didn't want to worry him incase the girl pulled through perfectly fine.

Charlotte carefully inspects Carly's head, there was a small gash on it but it meant she hit her head which might mean she had some sort of head injury, Charlotte just hoped that at most it would be a concussion and maybe some memory loss but hopefully it wasn't anything more serious.

Charlotte began to worry even more, what if she has some sort of brain trauma? What if she's broken part of her spine and will never be able to walk again or be paralysed from neck down? Then Charlotte remembered something that's quiet common with falls from a high place. Internal bleeding. If Carly was bleeding internally there was nothing she could do, not now anyways. They could of picked her up differently if she has assessed everything but she didn't. She only went over the primary survey nothing else.

Charlotte started taking deep breaths trying to calm herself down. Maybe if she was still married to her husband she'd have someone to fall back on, but she didn't and she hadn't for a few months now. She was still surprised that no one had noticed, especially Marjorie. The only person that acted like she knew was Mia but even then she was sure if the redhead did now or if she was just overly flirty with everyone.

Charlotte suddenly felt her cheeks flush before being brought back to the situation at hand when she felt Carly's hand twitch a little. That was good, it meant she wasn't paralysed from the neck although she did not yet know it'll her legs were gonna be paralysed or not but even if they were at least she'd still have some mobility.


Marjorie who was in the drives seat was absolutely beside herself and felt the urgent need to cry, scream or anything but for now she needed to get Carly to the hospital 'there's no point in crying unless she's dead.' Is what Marjorie repeated over and over trying to give herself some comfort, it did help a bit and when Charlotte gave an update that Carly's finger twitched it was enough to give her a spark of hope.

The short woman driving like an idiot was surprisingly not out of the normal although today she seemed to be driving extra carefully to make sure she didn't get pulled over. Marjorie started wondering if they should have called an ambulance but she then remembers how understaffed they are at the moment which means the wait time could easily be over an hour long. It was quicker this way.

"Dumb government and under paying health care.." Marjorie whispered

"What was that?" Charlotte asked from the back seat, still holding Carly's hand

"Nothing. We're about 5 minutes away. Imma spead a bit. I'm bit going to pull over either so just a warning."

Marjorie presses down on the acceleration, luckily the road was quiet which meant she didn't have to be as careful.

They made it to the hospital it just under 3 minutes. The hospital wasn't a very big one but luckily due to the small town in London they all lived in being very underpopulated which meant the hospital was almost always open. Although this hospital never seem to have any ambulances to set out which in Marjorie's opinion was stupid but the hospitals all over the country were gravely underfunded so she didn't have any say in the matter.


Sorry if this ending doesn't make sense this took like 3 days to write and get ideas and I currently don't know what to write now so it may take a bit to update.

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