Chapter 4. Hagrid's hut

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Evelyn and her sister Jennifer were heading down to Hagrid's after school to help with the animals. They were walking through a corridor, turning a corner when—BANG! They collided with something—or someone. Both girls fell backward. Dazed, Evelyn looked up at the person she'd bumped into. It was none other than Professor Snape, the Potions Master. Next to him stood Professor Lupin, looking both concerned and amused.

"Oh dear, are you alright, Miss Stirling and Miss Stirling?" Lupin asked. He extended a hand to Jennifer, helping her up. Evelyn began to stand, but Lupin offered his hand to her as well. His hand was warm and soft. As she stood, he held onto her hand a moment longer, meeting her gaze. His eyes were dark and serious, and Evelyn felt a flutter in her stomach. She bit her lip slightly as Lupin let go.

"Thanks," Evelyn mumbled. Snape, as usual, looked sour. "Watch where you're going! You can't just crash into people all the time!" he snapped. Jennifer shot him a rebellious glare.

"Be careful now, girls," Lupin said with a smile, before walking past them. Snape snorted and began to walk off too. He glanced over his shoulder at Jennifer with a mysterious expression, though she didn't notice, standing with her arms crossed and muttering to herself.

"I wonder why Snape is always so grumpy," Evelyn said aloud, to no one in particular.

Jennifer turned sharply toward her. "HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW?" she replied angrily before storming off, disappearing down the hallway. Evelyn stood there, bewildered. She shook her head and continued toward Hagrid's. The animals were waiting, but she couldn't shake the image of Lupin's dark, serious eyes from her mind.


Evelyn continued toward Hagrid's cabin with heavy steps, her thoughts swirling like leaves in the wind. She could still feel the warmth of Professor Lupin's hand, and his dark, intense gaze burned in her consciousness. There was something in his eyes that had captured her—something unexplainable. Was it worry, or perhaps a deep sadness that reflected in them? She tried to push the feeling away, but it lingered.

As she approached Hagrid's cabin, she saw Jennifer crouched over some pumpkins in Hagrid's garden, pulling weeds. Jennifer seemed calmer after her outburst, but Evelyn could still sense her sister's lingering frustration in the air.

"Ellie, come help with this!" Jennifer called, her voice more commanding than friendly.

Evelyn walked over and mechanically began helping, but her mind was elsewhere. Every so often, she glanced toward the forest's edge, where she thought she saw shadows moving. Perhaps it was just animals wandering around, but something about it made her uneasy.

Hagrid opened the door to his cabin and waved them inside. "Come in, girls. I've just got some new Chubby Crabs to take care of."

Inside the cabin, it was warm, filled with the smell of tea and woodsmoke. Jennifer immediately moved to examine the cages of new creatures, but Evelyn hesitated in the doorway, unsure why her heart was still racing. That's when the door behind her creaked open. She turned and froze. There stood Professor Lupin and Severus Snape.

"Ah, Hagrid," Lupin said in his deep, gentle voice. "I was hoping to talk to you about your latest finds in the forest."

Hagrid beamed. "Oh, come in! Lots to discuss."

Lupin entered, but not before his eyes briefly met Evelyn's. His gaze was intense, almost magnetic. Evelyn's breath grew shallow. She tried to look away, but it felt like his eyes held her captive. Her heart pounded, and her fingers tingled. It was as if the room had shrunk, leaving only the two of them inside.

Snape, following behind Lupin, threw a quick, icy glance at Jennifer before squeezing into the room. He seemed oblivious to the tension between Evelyn and Lupin, or he simply didn't care.

"Are you alright, Miss Stirling?" Lupin asked suddenly, his voice deeper, stepping closer to her.

Evelyn's pulse pounded in her ears. She could hardly breathe. The world around her started to spin as if the air in the room had grown too thick. "I... I need to get out," she whispered and stumbled backward.

Without waiting for a response, she rushed toward the door. The cold outside hit her, but it offered none of the relief she'd hoped for. Her legs felt heavy, and before she could take more than three steps, they gave out. The cold, hard ground rushed up to meet her as everything went black.


When she awoke, it was evening, and the pale moon shone through the clouds. Something warm and soft lay over her—a blanket. She was outside Hagrid's cabin, her head throbbing. As she tried to move, a familiar voice spoke beside her.

"You fainted."

It was Lupin. He crouched beside her, his face half-lit by the moonlight. His eyes were concerned, but that dark, unfathomable look was still there.

"Are you... alright?" he asked again, his voice softer, more personal this time.

Evelyn tried to sit up, but her legs were still shaky. Lupin placed a hand on her arm to steady her. Her heart raced even faster now, but she felt safer with him close.

"I'm fine," she finally whispered, though her head still spun. "Just... a little tired."

Lupin nodded slowly and stood, but his gaze never left her. It was as if he could see right through her, straight into her deepest thoughts.

Suddenly, quick footsteps approached, and before she could react, Jennifer was by her side, breathless and worried.

"Ellie! What happened? Are you alright?" Jennifer knelt beside her, placing a hand on Evelyn's forehead, her eyes full of panic.

Evelyn smiled weakly. "I just fainted... nothing serious." But she could see her words did nothing to ease Jennifer's concern. Her sister frowned and gave her a sharp look.

"You don't look 'just a little tired,' Ellie. You could've really hurt yourself!" Jennifer glanced briefly at Lupin, and something in her gaze made Evelyn shiver. "How long were you out here alone?"

Lupin, sensing Jennifer's mistrust, took a step back and answered calmly. "She fainted just now, Miss Stirling. I came out as it happened and brought a blanket from Hagrid."

Jennifer shook her head, still worried, but said nothing more to Lupin. Her focus was entirely on Evelyn, her protective instinct taking over. She helped Evelyn to her feet, gently but firmly.

"We need to get you inside," Jennifer said, glancing toward Hagrid's cabin. Her voice was shaky with worry and frustration.

Evelyn felt a wave of guilt wash over her. "I'm fine, Jennifer, really. It was just a bit too much..." She glanced quickly at Lupin and met his gaze again, which made her heart race faster. "...nothing more than that."

Jennifer sighed heavily and wrapped an arm around her sister's shoulders. "Okay, but we're going inside anyway. You need to rest." Her tone was firm, leaving Evelyn no room to argue.

As they walked slowly toward the cabin, Lupin followed at a distance, still keeping a watchful eye. Inside Hagrid's warm, cozy cabin, Severus Snape and Hagrid sat at the table, discussing something in low voices. All eyes turned toward them as they entered.

Snape scowled. "What's this? Fainting spells, Miss Stirling? Perhaps you should spend more time in the classroom and less time daydreaming in the corridors."

Jennifer glared at him, but Evelyn could only manage a weak smile. She knew Snape wouldn't miss a chance to be harsh. Hagrid quickly stood up from the table.

"Oh, you look a bit pale, Evelyn! Sit down, get some tea in you. The crabs can wait."

Lupin made sure Evelyn sat comfortably by the fire, but his gaze never left her. Jennifer stood close, still in protective mode, but she also shot a quick glance at Snape, who sat silently, studying the girls with his usual intense expression.

"I'm staying here with you until you feel better, Ellie," Jennifer said firmly. "I'm not letting you be alone again."

Evelyn sighed softly and leaned back in the chair.

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