Chapter 14. Back to Hogwarts

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Summer is over. The next morning, the Hogwarts Express departs from Platform 9¾.

"So you and Miss Stirling, huh?" Sirius teases. "Admit it, you like her!"

Remus has his wand out in no time, holding it an inch from Sirius's face.

"One more word, and I'll make you choke on your own tongue!" he threatens. Sirius nods with satisfaction, unfazed by the wand almost poking his nose.

"Just as I thought," he replies.

Remus sighs in frustration but lowers his wand. He crosses his arms.

"But you know, it's not that bad. She's sixteen, right? In a year she'll be of age, and in two years she won't be your student anymore! Then you're free to do whatever you want with each other!" Sirius says with enthusiasm.

Remus gives him a murderous look.

"Listen, there's only twenty years between you. That's nothing for witches and wizards!" Sirius continues.

Remus sighs.

"And what makes you think she would be interested in an old guy like me?"

Sirius just grins.

Evelyn is looking for an empty compartment on the Hogwarts Express with her sister and their two closest friends, Alice and Fiona. She laughs at a joke Fiona just made. Then they suddenly run into Remus.

Evelyn and Remus stare at each other. She has missed him incredibly over the summer and longed for the moment she could see him again. Now that the moment is here, she doesn't know how to act. He seems just as unsure.

"Good day, Professor Lupin," Evelyn says.

"Good day, Miss Stirling. Girls," Lupin replies. He smiles at the other girls. Then he meets Evelyn's gaze again before they both pass each other. Evelyn feels all warm inside. She would have liked to hug him, but that would have been weird! And it's kind of fun to keep their friendship a secret, almost like they share their own secret together.

The first weekend after school has started is still very warm and sunny. Evelyn, Jennifer, Fiona, and Alice are down by the lake swimming. The water is cool and refreshing. Evelyn swims back and forth a bit. She's wearing a floral bikini.

After a while, they go up on the beach and lay on their towels to sunbathe. Evelyn closes her eyes and enjoys the sun's rays warming her skin.

"HEEEY PROFESSOR LUPIN!" she hears her sister scream suddenly. Evelyn looks up abruptly.

Far off in the distance, she sees Remus. She blushes. Why does her sister have to be so embarrassing???

Remus slowly approaches them.

"Hello, Miss Stirling," he says to Jennifer when he finally reaches them. He avoids looking at Evelyn.

"Are you going to swim?" Jennifer asks cheerfully. She gives Evelyn a mischievous look.

"I was thinking of it, but I can go somewhere else so I don't disturb you," Remus replies.

"Oh no, you don't disturb at all! Not at all! You can swim here if you want!" Jennifer says enthusiastically. Alice and Fiona look at Jennifer questioningly. Evelyn wants to bury herself in the ground and disappear. Could her sister be more embarrassing?

Remus glances at Evelyn but quickly looks away again. He hesitates.

"Swim with us, please, Professor Lupin!" Jennifer pleads. Evelyn wants to bang her head against the ground where she lies.

"Alright, Miss Stirling, if you insist."

He puts his things a bit away and changes into his swimwear. Evelyn tries to sneak a look without being noticed. Remus is already in swim trunks. His body is covered in scars. Why is that? What has he been through? Evelyn wonders sadly. She had already seen the scar over his eyebrow, but she thought it was from falling when he was young or something. Now she thinks it must have been something else that happened.

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