Chapter 5 - centuries old connection

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He called himself David. The girl next to him was Melena. Casper took a step in front of me and defended her spot, she made it clear that she doesn't want any more violence. David lowered his hands and rebutled. "Why did you come here? What's your affiliation with Calmer?" He asked.

"I came to Onegai to get away from Hell, and Calmer saved my life." Casper responded. I felt like a bystander during the entire interaction. Casper and David went back and forth about their intentions. Eventually it was clear these two had a separate goal. Casper just wanted to escape her fate and live with freedom while David and Melena wanted to eradicate the demons and devils from their world. Where do I stand? I must protect her at all costs, yet I don't know why. His words played through my head like a broken record. I felt a tingle in my spine, his words twisting and changing to a new sentence. I couldn't decipher his words until they suddenly screamed out "above you!"

The thumping started again. Nobody moved, the world paused rhythmically with the heartbeat. When I traced my eyes upward I realized the reason for this new sense triggering. Three demon scouts watching us from the rooftops. I climbed up the wall to their position without hesitation. The moment I got behind the first target the rhythm was lost and they noticed me. I had to think quickly. I grabbed the demon from behind and used him as a meat shield all the way to the other demons. I discarded the shield and extended my sword. In all its glory the bright and shiny sword blinded them. I cut off the demon in front's leg off the blood spilled over the edge and the thump of his body. I forced the blade against the third demon's neck. We toppled over and I pinned him to the ground.

The demon had no words for me as I sawed away at his throat and severed his consciousness from this mortal world. Covered in blood I caught one of the demons trying to get away. I stomped on his leg and stabbed through his back, the black line fading away along with his lifeforce. The last demon, he only had one leg so escape was impossible. I kicked him off the rooftop and watched him splat on the ground. I landed on the ground and positioned myself behind the demon. After holding the sword against his throat I told everyone that if we were to get answers to all our problems then we have to get it out of this demon.

Casper spoke the language fluently so she did all the talking. First we asked about Judy Calmer, then we asked about my involvement in all this. The demon coughed up only a few things about Calmer. Allegedly she isn't alone in this operation, Calmer has been spilling a small army of demons all over the valley. He claims that Calmer only gave one order to the invasion of Onegai, kill Casper and Project 0409.

My blood boiled heavily. The flame was so hot I lost control of my body and was about to carve into the demon when this beam of light pierced through him and killed him. Instantly Casper and I locked eyes with the perpetrator. We got the same idea to chase him down. I climbed the building while casper seemed to just flow up as some kind of liquid. Together we chased the demon through rooftops, alleys, and eventually out of Confort. During the chase Casper held her arms across half her face. She told me if I followed her hand motions then I could run faster than any opponent.

I began to cross my arms over my face. She told me to channel my energy from my core to my legs, so I tried to focus. I knew my goal was to catch up to the demon. The more I focused on him the louder the heartbeat got. Now was the time. Instinctively I motioned my arms down and concentrated all my energy in my legs. It appeared that all I could focus on was capturing this demon. My eyes never left him, my legs speeding up. I took a huge breath in, the world faded to gray. When he was close enough I released my breath and tackled him. Color returned to my vision as I struggled with him. I don't know how long it took but Casper eventually caught up and helped me bind up the demon. I started to lose control of my breath. Casper held his face in the dirt and told me to relax for now. I fell to my arms and knees and coughed up blood. Sweat blocked my sight and a ringing played in my ears. I fell completely to the ground and passed out.

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