Chapter 14 - From Viper to Cobra pt.1

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We were about to leave when Vendetta uncovered a letter shrouded in dust. Casper translated the words as some kind of ransom note. A group simply known as the rebels kidnapped a girl named Ashley Moore. I developed the idea that these rebels started a war that didn't seem to end well for the capital. After a second look at the map in the middle of the room, I started to see where everything belonged. The rebels had set up strongholds all over the land. The most recent attack on the rebels was in the fourth district. Information was key at this point, to find Judy Calmer we need to know what happened, and with the capital overrun we need to look towards the rebels for knowledge. Vendetta and I were going to head to the fourth district, Casper was to stay behind and fill us in on any extra information she finds.

The trip was quiet until we got to the fourth district. The sounds from earlier turned out to be the heat of battle, various demons and devils displayed their talents in a game of attrition. It was clear the rebels were playing dirty, any demon in a green cloak were rebels. The imperial devils and demons were better suited for magic defense and blunt attacks. Vendetta and I decided to play double agent, he would take the rebels and I would take the imperial. I sprinted directly into battle, drawing my blade and cutting down any rebel in sight. The warzone was much different then head on collisions. Each demon I slaughtered felt like a target dummy to cut into, there wasn't much talent in their magic but their true colors are in the more advanced rebels. I started my siege with a terror attack. I cupped my hands together and activated my devil vision, I spotted weak points in their flank. If I were to destroy key movement areas then the rebels have no choice but to face the imperial head on, a perfect plan to get them slaughtered. To describe the surrounding area, it used to be some kind of town. From the looks of it every building just turned to cover for whomever used it, one massive path divided left from right when looking south. I had to block the smaller patches and destroy the remaining building to even the playing field. I started on the right side of the field, a small outpost of rebels was keeping the flow of traffic. I stormed their post and glared into each and every single soul before cutting them down, luckily speaking, each demon was so low a level they didn't have a weak point. I just had to do enough damage to render this area a no go. Once I killed enough rebels the imperial army followed behind me and captured the post. I hopped from rooftop to the next to find my way to the second objective. I spotted a crate of explosives that could do enough damage to the imperial army. I jumped straight down and avoided six attacks per second. I kept on the defensive, these were the more advanced rebels. They coordinated each attack. I switched back to my devil vision and took in a deep breath.

Six targets that acted as my circumference. None but one had weak points, I could use a devil trick to eliminate them. "Devil's technique" I heard thumping. Every inch of my body solidifying as I exit my outer shell "omni directional dancing flash" I sent my ghost out, ethier forming in my spiritual hand to form a thin blade "power three" In just milliseconds I beheaded five demons. I engaged in fast paced combat with the last.

"Why did you keep me!" He yelled at me enraged. I blocked every attack while retaliating, saying that I was just testing the strength of the rebel army. This demon had high potential to become a blademaster, but I had to end his life short. He swung down a heavy attack. I spun my blade in my palm and switched to reverse arms. Slicing upward and shattering his sword. He fell to the ground and crawled backward. I pointed the tip of my blade to him until it reached his neck. I demanded to know where Ashley Moore is being held hostage. The demon trembled in his cloak, he assured that only the rebel leader visits the Founder's daughter. I lowered the blade tip and rubbed it against his bare skin down to his weak point. I pushed the blade all the way through and let go of the hilt. I perched beside the demon and asked if he was lying. The demon grabbed the hilt and almost pulled out the sword until I stopped him physically. I told him that pulling out the sword would kill him. His only option left is to have a chat with me. The demon gave up and let out his secrets, he told me about her location and nothing else useful. I thanked him for his information and stood up. I was gonna walk out of the tent when the demon asked why I left the sword. "Oh yeah" I said, I approached the demon with heavy footsteps "I forgot to take your life" I said sadistically as I slowly pulled the blade from his body and ended his life. Two checkpoints down and a location of the target. I pulled back from the heat of battle as the rebels were slowly letting down. The imperials never abandoned their posts but one general approached me and grabbed my arm "what's your problem you fucking creep!" I shouted as he drugged me into a tent. He told me to be quiet and asked why I defeated the rebel camps along with one of their high ranks. I folded my arms and snarkily told him that I was just doing some target practice. The general folded his arms back and snarled that this isn't a joke. I turned my back to him and told him that I'll take it seriously if the imperial army takes me in. The general crept up behind me and drew a dagger silently. Before he could stab into my back I ejected the wrist blade and blocked the attack and followed up with my own attack to his leg. After I kicked out his leg I landed on top of him as he started to laugh. He accepted my terms and told me to do one thing before I get introduced to the Founder. He gave me the first assignment, I was to eliminate the mercenary known as the wolf. I helped the general stand up and asked where the wolf was located. The general told me that the wolf is in the main camp of the rebels. He wears a white wolf mask with blood dripping from the mouth, his cloak is a darker green with the rebel insignia on the back, he wears arm braces and black imperial armor. I accepted the contract and left the tent, storming forward into the rebel camp, ahead of time I communicated to Vendetta, all of us had a small device implanted into our necks. David innovated an old system he used, we press the device on our neck to activate it then we press the button up to five times, one being squad leader, two being the appointed and so forth. I pressed the button three times and vendetta repeated the three clicks. I signaled that I was coming toward the base so he could leave.

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