Chapter 2 - Fate's beginning

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I carried the devil as far as I could, there was a small encampment possibly created by the two devils. After setting her down and reigniting the campfire I examined her wounds and felt so useless since I know nothing about medicine. The devil spoke but it was soft and getting weaker. I perched to her level and rested my hand over hers. She locked eyes with me and lifted my wrist weakly to her wounded chest. After placing my hand over her heart, she tried explaining how to save her, only it was very risky. I tried to find a different way, a way to secure her safety. She gazed into the flame, questioning why I'm so adamant on helping her. I sat beside her, keeping my hand on the wound and holding my other Infront of me "I wanted answers. Answers to where I am, who I am, and why can't I remember anything" She lowered my hand then grasped it - looking me in the eyes again.

"I can help you." she said. I stood up and threw some dry leaves on the fire

"How can you do that?" I asked her. She lowered her head in agony - gripping her stomach as it rumbled.

"Let me in your body. I can help you remember." She promised "Come here boy, let me help you." She held her arms out as I knelt in front of her. She closed her arms around my head and whispered in my ear "I'm sorry for this" she stabbed her finger through my skull. All I felt was a liquid flowing into my brain, down my body and throughout my nervous system. I felt nothing for a moment until everything went black.

Suddenly a hallway of lights lit up in front of me, the area surrounding me was empty. Water covered the floor up to my ankle. I took a step to the hallway of lights when her voice echoed throughout my head "I need to show you something." I looked all around but saw no trace of the devil. "Walk towards the door" I walked through the lights to a red door. I was confused when in between some lights these brown doors opened by my presence to show these events. "I wasn't able to recover all the memories" She continued as I watched the memories and approached the red door "but it's clear why you have no knowledge about the modern world" She finished. I realized the red door was escaping my grasp, farther and farther the door scooted as I sprint down the extended light path.

"This memory keeps slipping through my grasp, your body is avoiding me somehow." I feel my heart pounding, instead of doors I can picture each memory. I can only hear screaming and bloodshed. Various names and motives feel familiar, yet I haven't experienced them yet. The water began to rise along the sound of my heartbeat. Soon I was drowned and drifting deeper into the depths. "Remember me!" Those words rang throughout my head.

In no time I was woken up by the devil, she patted my back while I coughed up black liquid. The morning sun already high above our heads "Careful kid, you've been out for a while" She spoke. I got on my hands and knees, she assisted me in standing and explained how I've been out for hours. I told her about what I saw and begged for her to explain what's going on. She mentioned there was too much to go over in one night and that I needed to be specific with my questions. I started off with where we're going "we can't live in the forest forever" I claimed. She giggled and rubbed my head walking me in some direction.

"We're going anywhere that way" She suddenly stopped and pointed into a thin line of trees. I parted the trees to find a vast floor of water, no land in sight yet the thrill of adventure encouraged me to keep looking forward, the devil stood beside me and gripped my left shoulder "I've been on this island for decades, and all there is around here is death and destruction." I followed up on her words and pinned her hand to my shoulder.

"Do you think there's anything off this island?" I asked, she laughed and took her hand off my shoulder.

"I don't even know" she walked through the trees while I followed along. "Hey kid?" She ditched our path and followed the trail before us

"Yeah?" I responded while following close behind.

"You got a name?" She asked. I was verbally paralyzed, all this time passed, and I never once heard my name.

"Well... No." She kept walking, I noticed her fists started to clench. "Hey, are you ok?" She stopped; I could feel the anger radiating from her.

"Have you ever wanted a name?" She turned towards me with blood red eyes. I was taken back with the sudden change in her voice, she slowly got on all fours and smelled the dirt. I knew something was wrong with devils but I'm pretty sure this one's broken. She sank into the floor with great speed, the black liquid that coated a vast amount of ground changed color to match the path. I was confused until a carriage strolled down the path, they halted before me and four men exited the chamber. They all wore plated armor and drew spears on me "you! Boy! Get out of the way." They ordered me. I sized them up until they saw the dried blood on my dagger. Instantly they attacked me, I had no choice but to fend them off alone. After I drew my dagger two large black spikes killed the guards on the ends. I was stunned when the men screamed "Protect the Project!" I fought one single handedly while that devil burst through the ground and dragged the third guard down a pit of fire. I snapped the spear with a single kick, the guard tripped on himself and kissed my blade as his life ceased instantly. Before I could remove the dagger, I was kicked to the ground by the two men driving the carriage "How did I forget you two?" I coughed up. When they went in for another kick I spun out into his leg. After getting my footing I laid in every punch to the still standing guard's mouth. He tried to fight back but I smashed my elbow into his punch, breaking his arm and exposing the bone. I saw this as my opportunity - I used the guard's exposed bone to stab it through the injured guard on the floor's neck. The devil emerged behind the last guard and punched his heart out of his chest. He fell to the floor and rested in peace, concluding the fight. The devil made her way to the carriage door and ripped the hinges loose. I peeked through the gaping hole to find that the men were protecting a single paper. I grabbed the paper and sat down. The devil started absorbing the bodies as I read about some kind of project, a project that failed four hundred and eight times. The devil released the horses and leaned up against the carriage walls "what kind of project is worth so much trouble." She scoffed. I exited the carriage and handed her the paper.

"It's not worth anything" She opened the paper as I spoke. "Because of the public eye." She widened her eyes as she stared directly at me. Simultaneously copying my words.

"Project 0409." 

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