Fire and Chaser

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Cedric and Iris are sitting in the library looking for answers together on her fire ability. Having showed Cedric her unique ability while they were walking around the grounds. To say the boy was amazed and curious at her strange but cool ability was an understatement.

Flashback to showing Cedric appearing on the screen.

The two best friends were walking the Hogwarts grounds together when suddenly Iris decided it was time to show her new friend her ability. With a mischievous smile, she interrupts her friend who was about to ask to go to the kitchen wanting some cookies, and makes the fire dance around her fingers. Cedric noticing starts freaking out thinking she accidentally caught herself on fire runs and grabs a random kid's drink and throws it at her in a panic. Causing Iris to laugh even though she got a drink thrown at her and yells "You care about little old me" throwing herself on her new friend. Cedric just looks so confused and concerned which is when Iris fully explains everything she knows about the fire and heats herself with it to demonstrate and dry her clothes. Cedric's eyes widen impressed and drags her to the library to learn more about Iris's unique ability.

"I almost had a heart attack!" Cedric yells thinking at the time he was gonna see his best friend burn to death in front of him causing others around the Great Hall to laugh.

"Poor Cedric" Harry says mocking him. Cedric turned to him and asked "So if you didn't grow up watching her use fire you wouldn't freak out thinking she was being hurt" Harry looked down knowing he would also be very scared and stayed quiet causing Cedric to smirk in victory.

The flashback ends and shows them back in the library.

Iris never really understood her gift just knowing fire has always been a part of her for as long as she can remember and in studying for Hogwarts any spell to do with fire came naturally to the young girl. Looking through all the books Cedric sighs frustrated that they can't find anything in the books about people who can produce fire like Iris can.

Iris also starts worrying looking at the stack of books and finding nothing. Can't help but think something is wrong with her and what if she accidentally hurt someone one day. Cedric sensing his friend becoming upset "Hey! Get out of your head from what I have seen you have amazing control you can even make shapes and animals out of it. I don't think you would ever hurt someone unless it was for protection. Which if it ever came to that I would want you to burn their asses!" Cedric told her becoming stern towards the end Iris chuckling at how protective her best friend is just nods feeling better.

"Damn straight," James says nodding at her protecting herself Sirius nods in agreement anyone who hurts his goddaughter deserves the pain of being burned.

Kol agreeing with Cedric thinks anyone who so much as looks at her the wrong way should be turned to ash.

Cedric nods glad to hear her laugh and that he got his point across and picks up a book about dragons. Iris noticing what book he picked up rolls her eyes "I am pretty certain I'm not a dragon Cedric" she told him partly joking but also serious.

"I know you are not a dragon," he says matter of factly "But you have a common ability of fire and we have found nothing else in these books. So I am gonna humor myself with this book who knows it may come in handy one day to know more about them" he finished to Iris and started his book.

Iris just rolls her eyes at her friend before looking up hearing someone cough awkwardly and sees a tall Gryffindor boy with short brown hair looking at her. "Hi I'm Oliver Wood I'm a year above you," the boy told Iris while rubbing his hands nervously together. Iris nodded before telling him her name trying to ease the awkwardness. Especially after seeing Cedric look up from his book wiggling his eyebrows at her noticing how nervous the older boy was making Iris roll her eyes in return.

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