Grumpy Boy has Magic Powers

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"And why would I follow you- wait let me guess, you'll drag me with you if I refuse," I reply.

"Well, that part is right you need to be out of here," then before I can react the boy grabs me by the collar and pulls me towards the door pushing me out of the door, followed by himself. The teacher calls out after us to come back and that it is not safe out there, however she stays behind to protect the other students as she rightfully should. Mystery boy shuts the door on her protests and beckons for me to follow with an irritated face. Jeez dude didn't even answer my question and went straight for the drag-me-around-like-a-ragdoll tactic, rude. MB sneaks us towards a side exit and starts picking the lock on the door which is kept locked during school hours.

"Ok look, I don't even know who you are. What is happening, why are you doing this and why the hell are you breaking me out of school during a lockdown," I burst out once MB finishes picking the lock and tries to push me out the door. He gives me a glare before he sighs and responds with.

"I am Lawrence Hayes, those shooters are trying to find you, I don't want them to find you and you are going to be killed if they do."

I blink "Oh, ok then."

"In return I have a question for you Aloisia May Parker, how did you know I would drag you and when you saw me you gasped as if you recognized me," This was spoken not as a question but a demand.

This question surprises her, "Oh, I dreamt last night that you would come to my Lit class and drag me out."

"Really!" he exclaimed seeming surprised, "Do you have dreams like that often, that tell the future or show something that will happen the next day."

"Is that what's happening I'm seeing the future? I never dreamt until a week ago until I started dreaming random things that would come true."

"Oh? What sort of things?"

"I don't know, things like having a pop quiz or getting takeout for dinner- aren't we being tracked down by crazed gun men?"

"Yes, but you're not supposed to dream so that was surprising and-" He checks a watch that just appeared out of nowhere "-we are very behind schedule so. Step. Out. That. Door."

"Yes- of course- sure- yeah," I stutter trying to figure out where the watch came from "Let's go- I'll go through."

He smirks at my reaction and gestures at the open door like after you. I step through the door out in the drizzly and gray Seattle weather. Typical, of course it has to be raining. Lawrence glances distastefully at the sky before pulling an umbrella- again seemingly out of nowhere- and opens it like nothing happened.

We walk away from campus until we reach Aurora and Lawrence pulls me into an alley that is strangely completely empty. He closes the umbrella, and it disappears before holding out an arm.

"Hold on tight and close your eyes, try not to throw up on me when we arrive, I quite like this outfit."

"What? What's happening? Where are you taking me? And where did your umbrella go?" I am so confused by this whole situation.

"It doesn't matter now just grab on!"

I'm about to protest but I hear the thundering of footsteps behind us and the pinging of bullets off walls. I grab onto Lawrence's arm and once I have a tight hold, his arm twists slightly and there is a flash of light before I feel an awful squeezing and stretching sensation before the feeling suddenly lessens with another flash of light. My knees buckle and I tumble over taking deep breaths to quell the sudden nausea I feel.

"Really Mr. Hayes, was this quite necessary?" A stern female voice asks.

"Well, I thought so considering the Accamides trying to take Miss. Parker," Lawrence replies coolly "but you tell me."

"But jumping with her? Couldn't you have called for an extraction?" The woman sounds extremely agitated.

"And take the risk of having her taken? We can't have that, she's too valuable."

"We don't even know her power yet. There's no way of knowing if she's valuable."

"She dreams and they come true. It's only been happening for a week."

"Look," I say having gotten to my feet "I don't know who either of you are, where I am, what's happening, who they accamides are, why they want me or why it's cool that I dream but I would like to know all of the above."

"Oh, you're awake and not vomiting, that's a first," Lawrence remarks.


"Well, most people either pass out or puke after they jump, their bodies aren't equipped for the pressure and strain of jumping. Only summoners can handle the experience comfortably."

"Oh, wow I feel so special," I remark sarcastically.

"You should, the only other non-summoners who don't experience any negative side-effects are either related to one or are an ancient."

"Is summoning what you did with the watch and the umbrella?"

"Yes," He says impatiently "it also allows me to essentially summon myself and other people places."

"Like how you managed to get into a high school in lockdown."


"Well, this whole interaction is just peachy," The lady interrupts "I would love to go into depth on all our special powers and their uses, but unfortunately our new recruit and I haven't been properly introduced yet and she doesn't know what all this means. My name is Meredith Hopkins, you may call me Mrs. Hopkins. And you are?"

"My name is Aloisia May Parker, it is a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Hopkins," I reply holding out my hand for her to shake.

Mrs. Hopkins takes my offered hand and pumps it exactly 4 times before letting go and smiling, fine lines crinkling around her eyes.

"You see Mr. Hayes; some people have been taught proper manners," She says shooting a disapproving glance at Lawrence "This boy has never said hello or goodbye his entire time here or properly introduced himself."

"Here" appeared to be an abandoned railway tunnel so I was confused as to why anyone would spend any time here. Much less enough time for someone to complain about your manners of lack thereof in said place.

Lawrence rolled his eyes.

"Well, I'll be sure to drop your complaints about upbringing at my parent's graves at your earliest convenience."

Mrs. Hopkins looked properly chastised by his remark and tried to change the subject after a mumbled apology. The dude apparently had to problem weaponizing his trauma against authority. I filed that bit of information away for future reference. You never know when that sort of information could come in handy, especially dealing with people who showed little outward emotion.

"Anyway Ms. Parker I'm sure you have a lot of questions for myself and Mr. Hayes, so what do you want to know," said Mrs. Hopkins awkwardly.

"Uh yeah, you know the what, where, why, how and why me. I have been told nothing and suddenly I was basically teleported to a train tunnel with a weird grumpy guy and a lady I have never met."

"I'll take this one Mrs. Hopkins," Lawrence responded "the what is the Accamades is a rebel group that is trying to recruit certain members of the Mistyard Academy which I am a member of, the where is here an abandoned tunnel under Seattle, you know the underground tour this is a forgotten tunnel of that system, the why is that members with powers have an aura that those with a certain power can detect they search for members to recruit to the Accomades to overthrow the Academy, the how is that one ancient is the leader and is able to know the tactics of the Academy, and the why you is because I am sent to recruit possible individuals with powers and bringing them to the Academy, a detector was able to find you and I can to collect and from what we have been able to piece together your dreams are prophetic which were mostly likely induced by some by some sort of stimulant, no other person with a power dreams. None you are the only one so I can conclude because this is a new power and that it would be extremely valuable for our effort to stop the rebels."

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