I Dream the Future (Surprise!)

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I, Aloisia May Parker don't dream. Not until a week ago, that is. I couldn't even recall waking up after a bad dream, a good one, or even an embarrassing one like going to school without any clothes on. Until last week I dreamt about having a pop quiz in Geometry, a dream but not even a strange one like some of my friends said theirs were just a normal classroom setting. In the morning, I was so surprised, I thought I would never, ever dream in my life. While the dream itself- having it I mean- was exciting what was even more incredible was that there ended up being a pop quiz in Geometry with the same questions from the dream. It was strange and what was even stranger was that this continued to happen every night, I'd dream something mundane like getting takeout for dinner, and it would happen. This was really starting to get creepy and then yesterday I dreamt... of a boy, not much older than herself and reasonably good-looking. Nothing much happened in the dream, he simply grabbed my wrist and dragged me from my ap Lit class.

When I awoke, I was very confused, I had never seen the boy before so why would he be dragging me from class. Before I had much time to ponder this a call came from up the stairs.

"Aloisia May! I need to take Luci to the dentist, so you and Lewis need to remember to lock the door behind yourselves," Mom's voice echoed from downstairs.

"Ok, I will!" The front door slammed announcing Luci and Mom's exit, lucky her a 7am dentist appointment.

I stumbled from bed and got dressed before going to the bathroom to finish getting ready before Lewis wakes up. Lewis is a master at getting ready in 20 minutes and I didn't want to be stuck in the storm of speed dressing. It was much more favorable to eat in peace thank you very much.

Once Lewis was up and ready to go, we headed out remembering to lock the door behind us. The house was very close to school, so it was only a 5-minute walk.

For most of the day it was totally normal, mind-sucking work, bad attempts at stalling teachers, you know the works. Until fifth period when this alert came over the pa system.

"Lockdown, this is not a drill, lockdown, lockdown, lockdown!"

Oh, the joys of the American public school system. Business as usual, all of us kids are crowded in a corner away from the doors and windows while the teacher closes the blinds and locks the door. After a few minutes we start to hear gunshots, people stifle shrieks after the first ones ring out. I am trying to keep myself calm by taking deep breaths when someone whispers to me.

"Listen to me Aloisia May Parker, you need to get out of here, you need to follow me." I looked towards the whisperer and almost gasped, it was the boy from my dream. 

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