A Lover's Feud (Not Really)

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When we reappear it is in the dorm hall common room, everyone except me Lawrence and Ryan immediately collapse to the floor. Wow, I have seen the effects of jumping on Mom but it's strange to see it with so many people.

Lawrence crouched down next to Reina first and pulled out the smelling salts to revive her. He wafted the small bottle underneath her nose, and she jumped awake almost at once. Unlike Mom, Reina didn't vomit but she looked very nauseous and like she was regretting ever deciding to jump. Lawrence was already moving on to Jamie with the smelling salts (at least I think it was Jamie it could've been Eion too).

Once everyone was awake, they all totter off to their dorms for the night, I walk supporting Reina who still looks nauseous and shaky. We enter our dorm, and I offered Reina to walk her to her room, she refuses but takes a single step and grabs back on to my arm again.

Her room is designed after twilight with deep blues and purples, it is impeccably clean with very little personal touches except for a photo of her with Brielle and Effie on the wall above her desk.

"How are you fine right now? Do you have a summoner relative or something? Are you a secret ancient?" Reina grumbles shucking off her waistcoat and rummaging around for pajamas.

"No to the last part, at least I'm pretty sure I don't have any summoner relatives, but my dad left when I was really little, so he could've been for all I know. Also jumping just doesn't affect me, it does to my mom but not me."

"That's strange, now leave me please I like you but not enough to change in front of you."

"Yes ma'am," I say with a mock salute and back out of the room.

That night I dreamt of a dark room only lit by flickering candles, there were no other people in the room other than me, but I could hear soft whispers in the back of my head. They feel like mosquitoes flying around me on a hike and I just want to swat at them. The whispers become a buzz deep in my bones filling me with a strange feeling of tension.

The tension builds and builds, filling every space in my body until it feels it will have to come out in one way or another. Just when I feel like I can't take it anymore the pressure lessens lightening into a room filled with jostling people. Before the scene can come into focus, I wake with a jolt, breathing heavily.

The early morning sunlight shines into my room through the gap in my curtains, I check the clock on my nightstand, 6:21. I slump back down on the pillows and try to fall back asleep for a few minutes before I give up, sliding out of bed to find clothes to wear that day. I choose and pair of black leggings, a grey athletic top and blue zip-up hoodie.

There is no one in our common room yet this early, according to Brielle breakfast isn't until eight so I have some time. Instead of waiting in the small room I leave our dorm for the larger hall common room with a book I've been reading. I am surprised when I reach the cozy circle of couches and squishy armchairs to see that Lawrence is already awake and doing what appears to be an enormous stack of homework.

I nod as a way of greeting and go to check the bulletin board for my classes today where they were posted along with everyone else's. I had combat training from 9:30 to 11:00 with all the others from my hallway then I then had lunch until 12:00, at 1:00 to 3:00 I had ability classes. I had a half an hour break and then had history from 3:30 to 5:00.

I also looked at the list of students who were getting ability lessons from the alumni and Reina, Brielle and Effie were getting the lessons as well as Lawrence, Jamie and Eion. I suppose that makes sense because Reina and Brielle are extremely skilled at what they do, and Effie and Lawrence's skills were extremely rare.

I sit down to read my book while the sun finishes coming up and stay happily engrossed in my book for an hour. About 100 pages in Reina enters the common room fully dressed and plops down on the couch next to me.

"Well good morning sunshine!" I say cheerfully.

"Ugh, why are you awake so early. You too, Lawrence, that homework is optional, O. P. T. I. O. N. A. L." Reina groans sliding down the couch cushions. Lawrence looks up glares slightly, seems to realize its Reina and he's (probably) secretly in love with her and shakes his head slightly before going back to his work.

"My dream woke me up today, it was quite strange too," I mention.

"Huh, what was the dream about? I still find it strange that you can dream."

"I know, especially because it just started happening so recently. In the dream I was in a dark room with candle light and there was a whispering in the back of my head. There was a pressure that built until it wasn't and suddenly, I could see a room full of people. Then I woke up."

"I don't know about the end of the vision- dream- whatever, but the part where you hear whispering in your head kind of sounds like telepathy. That might showing what will be happening during your ability lesson today with Mrs. Hopkins."

"I guess that could be it, we'll see later."

She smiles and pulls out an almost identically enormous stack of homework to Lawrence's, I'm pretty sure I hear him snort when she pulls out her pen and starts working. We just continue doing our own thing for a little while as slowly one by one all of our hall mates join us in the common room. 

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