Dinner? I Love Dinner

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None of us say anything for several seconds, though in my nervous mind it feels like an hour.

"Um, hi," I say trying to break the silence which has fallen over the room.

"Hi, I'm Brielle," my almost look alike responds, "we look really similar, are you noticing this too?"

I almost laugh, "Yeah I did."

"But Brielle is a bit taller don't you think you're really short," Reina butts in, "I'm Reina by the way, though I don't know why were re-introducing ourselves Mr. Grumpypants already did."

"Because it's the right thing to do and he didn't specify who was who, I'm Effie which is short for Aoiffe," Effie says softly, she has just a hint of an Irish accent, the sort you get from living with someone with a strong accent or from living in a different country for a long time.

"Well, it still seems a little redundant," Reina protests.

"It does seem a bit unnecessary, but Lawrence is always really vague about things so might as well make sure he wasn't introducing me to the couches or something," I reply sarcastically.

"I like you Aloisia May," Brielle says chuckling, "you'll fit right in come on we'll show you to your room."

My room is huge, it has a queen-sized bed with vines hanging over it with small purple flowers growing along them and the whole sunset theme is carried along in the color palette. Gold walls, dark pink bed and dark blue carpet. There is a desk in one corner and a wall mirror on the other with the fourth wall having a giant walk-in closet that is completely empty except for what looks like a uniform of a dark blue vest with gold hemming, and what looks like stars scattered across it. Light pink blouse and tailored dark blue pants with the same gold hemming but no stars.

"This room is incredible," I murmur awestruck, I have never had a room this big or extravagant as this before.

"I know," Brielle say from right behind me, "all of the bedrooms are like this, I will never get used to it."

Effie disappears into the walk-in closet and gasps, "You got your formal uniform, I have never seen one like this before, they usually mirror the ability of the wearer, but this one is new looking."

"What?" the other girls exclaim and go to see the uniform as well. They also gasp when they see it and its designs.

"You're right Effie, this one is totally new it looks like," Reina breathes, fingering the fabric of the blouse which looks like silk. They all turn to look at me as one.

It is Brielle who speaks first, "What is your power Aloisia May, Lawrence says it was unconfirmed, what can you do?"

"Well as far as I can tell, I dream, and the things that I dream always come true," I explain nervously not sure if I am supposed to talk about it.

"You do!" Reina says excitedly, "what's it like? What do you dream that comes true?"

"Well, it's just kind of like being awake is your sleep, things just happen kind of like they would, at least for me because I'm seeing something that eventually happens. The things that I've dreamt so far are pretty mundane, just like having a pop-quiz and stuff like that except for the day when Lawrence came to recruit me, that night I dreamed of him practically dragging me from my ap Lit class. Then the next day it happened and a week later, here I am."

"That's so cool," says Effie, "none of the people here have ever dreamt in their lives Mystikals never have for some reason, you must be some sort of diviner."

"I guess, I've been wanting to ask, what do all of your names for powers mean and what are they?"

"Well, they generally have something to do with your power, for instance Reina's in pretty obvious, she can control and summon fire. Brielle is a changeling which means she can turn into any animal or person that she is familiar with. I am a whisperer which means that with certain tones of voice I can control people and theirs actions. Lawrence is a summoner which is another self-explanatory one, he can summon things through the void and can basically summon himself and other places as well which we call jumping, it sucks though I hate it, it's only pleasant for those who are descended from or are summoners. There are a lot of other powers, but the name often tells you something about the power or what it affects, the dress uniform which is the one in your closet is colored and designed after your power so at occasions where a lot of us are in one place you can see who has what power. However, even in most places outside of class we still have to wear our colors, it is just easier that way," Effie explains breathlessly.

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