Windy the Nickname King

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A beam of a flashlight flickers at the edge of my consciousness cutting through the relentless buzzing in my brain. The beam flashes across my line of vision again and I focus in on where it came from. It seems to be from on the other side of my door, I can see two pairs of feet through the crack. Who are these people, why are they in my dorm with a flashlight at night? The door slowly starts to open until I can see two hulking figures standing in the doorway looking right at my bed. I quickly shut my eyes pretending to be asleep when their footsteps approach, soft and muted on the carpeted floor.

A pair of large hands slide under me carrying the blanket too and lift me into the air in their arms. Wait, oh no I'm being kidnapped, probably? Yes, you idiot they picked you up in the middle of the night, what else would be happening? The pair pick their way back across the room, me held like a child fallen asleep in the car. Ok, what am I going to do? I can call for help or fight back, but I've only had one day of combat, so call for help it is, great.

I wait until my apparent kidnappers are right in the middle of the common room before I open my eyes and start thrashing around. When the man holding me grips tighter to hold me in place, I scream loud and shrill.

"HELP!!! HELP!!! HEL-" My mouth is covered by a big meaty hand, but it's too late some of my roommates had to have heard me.

I'm still trashing and squirming like a madman as my kidnappers reach the door out to the hallway. But before they can turn the ornate knob, there's the crash of three doors opening at the same time, Brielle, Effie and Reina to the rescue. A second later another crash as the hall door burst open, revealing Lawrence, Eion, Jamie and Ryan, hands at the ready.

One curses and reaches for his belt where I'm assuming there is a weapon stashed but I don't even care about that right now, my friends have come to save me.

"What, are you doing with my friend," Reina asks voice low and dangerous; her hands are sparking as if they want to burst into flame. I've never seen her use her power before so I kinda want to see what she will do.

"Choose your next words very carefully," Effie adds, her voice keeps its sweet note at the end.

This baits the kidnapper holding the knife into saying something, he sizes up Effie in her red night gown and sneers "'Choose my next words very carefully'? What could you do to me? You little scrawny schoolgirl, probably a little alterer."

"Wrong." The word is laced with power, sinking into my bones "Something you should know is that appearances aren't everything 'little alterer'. I could stop your heart right now, but I'd much rather let my friends have their fun with you and your friend over there."

That is all the rest of my friends need to attack with all they have, as most everyone goes for bigmouth with the knife Brielle and Effie come to free me. Effie steals the show and frees me with a simple.

"Let her go," and I get dropped to the ground in a heap of blankets landing right on my arm, sharp pain shooting up my wrist to my shoulder. I think I hear something crack on impact

"Owww," I cry out holding my injured appendage close to my chest, little spots dance in my vision as I watch Brielle slash a line across my kidnappers' cheek and tie him up with bed clothes. Bigmouth is getting the same treatment, a burn here and cut there but just being trussed up like a mummy.

Once Brielle finishes up mummifying carrier-man she kneels next to me where I'm curled up on the ground cradling my arm. Her hand reaches out tentatively and grazes my arm, white hot pain sparks up and down my arm.

"Ow ow ow ow ow, don't touch it please," I whimper softly.

Brielle flinches back slightly, "Sorry, we should get you to the healer's wing."

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