Dreams Make No Sense

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 I wake gasping the in the classroom, Mrs. Hopkins is staring intently at me as I get my bearings.

"It worked!" she announces. It is then that I realize there are several other people in the room about Mrs. Hopkins' age.

"Yes," I gasp, "it started the same as last night's dream, but I actually saw what happened in the room this time."

"What happened, In the original dream and the one you just had," A woman with short silver hair inquires.

"Well, in the original dream it started with the process of trying to induce a vision, I could hear a whispering in the back of my head. There was also a buzzing in my ears that bult like pressure until the pressure broke and I saw a bit of a brightly- lit room. In the vision I had just now I saw the brightly- lit room, it was filled with a whole bunch of heavily- armed people and all of them had the same tattoo-"

"What was the tattoo?"

"It was a triangle crossed like an 'a'. There was a guy with a lot of tattoos, it looked like he was giving a speech, he said something, and they all raised a weapon and said something back. And then I woke up."

"It looked like he was giving a speech? What was he saying, what did they say back?" Another one of the ancients asked.

"I have no idea what was said I can't read lips, none of my dreams have any sound."

"They don't have any sound? Does anyone know if regular people dreams have sound?" One of the older men asks looking around.

"Why would any of us know?" Mrs. Hopkins sounds exasperated, "None of have ever dreamt or know anyone who has besides Miss. Parker."

"I don't know I feel like someone would've studied it!"

"Really Jerome why would we have studied it?"

"Because its useful information!"

The debate continues, I personally am on Jerome's side on this matter, why had no one studied dreams ever in their hundreds of years of life. I mean at least one of them has to be a Libero and they remember everything.

I slowly edge towards my bag so I can make a beeline out of there as soon as the class period is over when Mrs. Hopkins turns to me.

"Miss. Parker you lived with normal people, do they have sound in their dreams?"

"I think so? The way that they dream is different though, a bit hazier there's less detail in their dreams."

"Hmm, and you see and remember everything as if you were actually there."

"Yes, just without sound," I agree.

"Ok, I want you to keep a diary of your dreams and any other visions you may have during the day," Mrs. Hopkins instructs "and bring it to session with you every day."

"Yes ma'am."

"I want as much detail as possible, keep it with you at all times so you everythig. down as soon as you wake up."

"I can do that. Should I put the time as well as date?"

"Yes, that may prove to be important." She looks like she's going to start a lecture on who knows what but I am saved by the bell. "Very well you may be dismissed."

I'm deep in thought as I exit the classroom and join the sea of students heading towards their dorms or other hang out spots for break. There's half an hour before History so I go to my dorm to start my dream journal and see if I can trigger a vision without actually falling asleep. Not too sure how that's going to work yet, maybe white noise? Maybe Brielle has an idea or Effie since her ability deals with the mind, ugh why aren't there more telepaths in the world.

No one is in the common room yet so I plop down on an incredibly soft armchair and pull out a notebook and pen. Since I don't have any spare journals laying around a regular old composition book should do for this.

I start by writing down the dream from last night and the vision from earlier, my handwriting filling the first two pages with all the details. Once I'm finished I have to say I'm relieved, I hate writing with the heat of a thousand sun. Unfortunately, it seems I'm going to be doing a lot of that in the near future.

Ok, now that the writing stuff is done I can start trying to trigger a vision and, the common room is still empty so I can concentrate better. I put the book on the floor and slouch into the chair, settling in a comfortable position among the cushions. My eyes shut and I focus on my breathing and try to quiet the rest of my mind, I breathe and out, in and out. As my mind quiets I start to feel that buzzing in the back of my mind, it's far of and quiet at first but slowly starts to get louder coming towards the front of my consciousness.

The buzzing is getting louder and louder, it's filling my head, in my bones, just starting to build in pressure and I can almost see a scene flickering in front of my closed eyes. The vision is still coming into focus, so blurry I can't see anything when, I start feeling like I'm being shaken by the arm. Oh wait, someone is calling my name too, I try to push it farther away but the person is insistent. 

My eyes snap open and are greeted with a very concerned looking, Brielle? Everyone else is here too. 

"Oh thank god you're awake!" Brielle cries sagging with apparent relief.

"What do you mean? I was just here for a couple of seconds. I was trying to a vision," I am very confused, everyone else looks relieved and Effie's eyes are red like she had been crying.

"Just a few seconds? We've been trying to wake you up for almost ten minutes!" Reina butts in from her place to the left of my chair. "Your eyes were rolled back in your head and then you started shaking like you were having a seizure or something before Brielle could wake you."

This information swirls around in my head, how could I have just lost the sense of time like that? And not have been able to hear people trying to wake me? "It felt like barely any time at all I was just about to focus in on a scene when I was able to feel Brielle shaking me."

"This is so weird," Brielle's eyes are wide as she looks everyone in the eye, "your power is so weird, what did you mean by trying to trigger a vision? I thought they only happened while you were asleep."

"Mrs. Hopkins had this theory we tested in class today that it wasn't about me being asleep that caused me to see the future but the lack of activity in Mystical minds because we don't dream."

"So it's not a dream?"

"Sort of, but still a dream, I don't know."

Effie comes closer to my chair, "I think that I might be able to help you trigger your visions." 

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