I Give my Brother a Heart Attack

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My head was spinning from the complete overload of information from Lawrence that had been delivered in a completely dead-pan manner.

"So, you believe I can tell the future and a rebel group of people with powers knows this and want to take me for their own personal gain."

"That is the gist of it yeah.

"Good I thought this might be simple."

"Well Miss. Parker, any other questions," Mrs. Hopkins asked.

"Do I have to live in the underground tour, do I have to live at HQ at all and do any of my family have powers? Do we have a proper name rather than just saying 'we have powers'"

"We have a different HQ, this is just a meeting place. Yes, you have to live here for the duration of your training. Your mother is an Alterer and we have informed her of your whereabouts but none of your siblings do. The official name for us is the Mystikal's," explained Mrs. Hopkins.

"Okay... when do I start, are you even recruiting me or just trying to make sure I don't end up joining the Accamides?"

"No, we are trying to recruit you, it could be very helpful for us, and you could learn more about your power and how it works."

"Do I have to decide now or..."

"You can take a week to decide, and I'll send Mr. Hayes to get your answer after school next Thursday."

"Cool, so can I go home now or am I stuck here until Lawrence stops sulking in a dark corner," I tease lightly glancing at Lawrence who was indeed sulking in corner.

He shot me a glare before stepping into the light.

"I do not sulk, I observe, and I can take you home now if you wish."

"You definitely do sulk, and what do I tell my siblings about where I was."

"You may tell them the truth and your mother can fill in the blanks," he held out his arm and waited for me to grab on while I braced myself for the terribly squeezy, stretching sensation. Lawrence's arm twists under my grasp and we disappear into the void with another flash of light. With another flash of light, we reappeared into my kitchen nearly giving Lewis a heart attack who was sitting at the counter doing homework, at least this time I stay on my feet and don't feel as nauseous.

"Ack! What just happened? Where did you come from! Who is this guy?" Lewis yells clutching at his chest.

"This is Lawrence Hayes, we came from the underground tour, and we just sort of teleported," I respond calmly.


"Well, it is more summoning myself to a place by traveling through the void," Lawrence said, once again finding a shadow in which to obscure himself in.

"That is no way less confusing and or weird."

I am about to respond to the clear up the murkiness of the explanation which Lawrence seems to think was perfectly understandable but then I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. Based off of the pace of the steps I can tell it is Mom and am proved true when she walks in the door and doesn't even seem surprised to see me there with a strange boy and a confused looking Lewis, but then I remember that Mrs. Hopkins had warned her I would be coming home with him.

"Ah, hello Lawrence lovely to see you, I hope that the Accamides didn't give you too much trouble," Mom says pleasantly going to the sink to get a glass of water.

"Hello, Mrs. Parker good to see you too, no there wasn't too much trouble I was able to send out a decoy to distract them from Aloisia May's scent for a while."

"Glad to hear it, how's Mrs. Hopkins doing? Also, Lawrence you know that you can call me Sarah, I'm not Mrs. Hopkins."

"I know Sarah, Mrs. Hopkins is doing quite well, being her usual persnickety self."

"I would expect nothing else, Lewis you can stop looking like you saw a ghost why don't you follow me and I'll explain this whole thing for you and your sister in the other room, Aloisia May why don't you go rest and do your homework, Thanks for bringing her home Lawrence and I assume we'll see you next Thursday?"

"Correct, "then Lawrence jumped away with a flash of light.

"Sorry- Mom who was that guy who are the Accamides and why did he show up out of nowhere with Aloisia May, from the underground tour?"

"Yes, sorry I know this is weird, why don't you go get your sister so I can explain it to you both."

"While you guys do that I am going to go upstairs to try to come to a decision and maybe do some of my homework, maybe not," I say heading towards the stairs.

"Do your homework! You have a week to decide about the academy!" Mom calls after me.

"Yeah, yeah I will don't worry."

I lock myself in my room and sit at my desk and listen to the rain fall while staring at an empty word document that I was supposed to be writing a history essay on. As a side note I really, really hate school and only deal with it because I love my LA teacher so much, she is pretty much the only reason I take ap at all because she told me I should try. This blank document is very much telling me that I should not even try to start it because I'll just fail anyway because I know nothing about the war of the roses and have no wish to learn so writing this essay is pretty much redundant. I sigh before clicking out of that tab to try Geometry homework instead which is easier, and I am better at it even though Geometry is the worst subject to ever exist and was probably made just to torture high school students.

My thoughts turn to the events of today and I start to consider what I should do about the Mist Yard Academy and whether I want to join or not. The whole chat with Lawrence and Mrs. Hopkins was really eye opening about the world, also the fact that my mother had powers whatever an "alterer" is, but I suppose I can ask her later.

Later as I am brushing my teeth and getting ready for bed I think about my dreams and what happened today with the Accamides and what good could happen if the academy had access to my powers and I make my decision. 

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