I Fall Asleep in a Bomb Shelter

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We're all staring, it's probably rude but no one seems to notice or care about etiquette right now. I mean how could she do that and how does she know how? I mean I had been wondering if she could help but I didn't really think that she actually could, you know? From what I know of Effie she's pretty shy so I wasn't sure she would make that statement out of nowhere either.

"W-what do you mean you might be able to trigger a vision?" I force out, voice a little choked.

"I mean that I might be able to induce the state of quiet that causes your visions, with my power I can do that," Effie adds after seeing our confused faces.

Brielle raises her hand "Ohhh, that's so cool, is it that 'sleep' command you use when I can't sleep?"

"Yes, it is."

"Wait you can put people to sleep and you never told us?" This comes from one of Effie's brothers not entirely sure which one, "And you never told us?"

"Totally against triplet code," The other agrees, nodding.

"Hate to break the indignation," Lawrence says in a voice that suggests otherwise, "but were going to be late to history if we don't go now."

He was, in fact right, typical Lawrence. He was also almost out the door as he made that very helpful observation. We all scramble to grab our bags and shove all of the necessary items into them. Lawrence tries to run off on us but Reina grabs him by the elbow to make him wait for the rest of us unprepared folk. She is also ready because of course she is, Reina I think would rather burn her own hand off then be late to a class and ruin her probably perfect attendance record, I envy her.

All of us hurry out of our dorm hall and start off towards the classroom wing, where actual learning happens and not the kind of learning like how to find the carotid artery (easiest found on either side of the neck under the ear). Or how to dream the people who probably want to kill you are hosting motivational seminars with weapons (not universal get mentor's note before trying). So obviously they made the whole wing gray and boring, the kind of interior design that makes you want to cry or punch walls simultaneously.

There is a sense of gloom that hangs over the group as we stop in front of a heavy metal door with the sign 'Mystikal History' taped on the front.

I lean over to whisper to Brielle, "Why does this look like the doors of my high school that was built during the cold war?"

She snorts and whispers back, "Probably because the ancients believe that any comfort in school rooms leads to nuclear war. But seriously they do look like they were, this is a piece of history right here."

We were so invested about the possibility of this classroom being a bomb shelter that we didn't even notice that the teacher had opened the door and was glaring at us from over her glasses.

"Miss. Koffin, what do you think you and Miss..."


"-Miss. Parker are doing?"

"Aloisia May and I were discussing how the door on your classroom reminds her of the doors at her high school where the classrooms were made as bomb shelters Ms. Browne it is history after all," Brielle replies cheekily.

Ms. Browne signs pinching the bridge of her nose, "Very well girls, please go inside and take a seat."

"Jolly good," Brielle says in an exaggerated British accent.

Ms. Browne just signs again and motions with her arm to the door. I follow Brielle into a classroom, that surprise, surprise is just as bland and boring as the hallway, there's not even a poster or anything! Wow these teachers really must be allergic to color or something, that is the only possible solution.

I'm about to make a comment to Brielle about this apparent allergy of color and decoration when Ms. Browne closes the bomb shelter door and steps up to the front of the class. She is just as boring as her classroom I can see, she's wearing the brown and muted yellow of a Libero but hers is somehow more muted than usual. Her hair is an ashy brown that looks like someone tried to dye their hair gray but some of it washed out, and of course square glasses perched low on her nose.

Ms. Browne picks up a sheet of paper from her desk and starts taking attendance, "Allen.."



"Here." And so on and so on.


"Here." There is a bit of hushed whispering from the people that must remember my embarrassing introduction from last night, damn it I was hoping everyone would forget. The list of names go on until she finally finishes with.

"Quinn, Quinn and Quinn?"



"And here." A few giggles circle the room at the answer from who I'm fairly certain is Jamie.

Ms. Browne puts down her attendance list and picks up a wooden pointer stick and taps the board, words start squiggling across the smooth black surface. So, this must be the projecting thing that Ryan mentioned earlier. Once the lines have finished their path across the blackboard, Ms. Browne starts her lecture and oh, mygod it is so boring. The history itself is cool, I enjoy a good story about a magic school as much as anyone but she just has this way of talking that I swearing is putting me to sleep, maybe I should use this for my visions. No, no, must stay awake, this class is very important for something, I'm not sure for what yet but it is I'm sure of it.

When the bell rings and were finished packing our bags back up, we all shuffle yawning into the hall to go drop off our bags and change before dinner. Dinner according to Reina is always a formal affair so we will be ready for society in the future and any Mystikal events we may have to attend.

Once announcements are made, dinner eaten and dessert shoveled we all slowly walk back to our dorm weighed down by fatigue and food. I make quick work of brushing my teeth and putting on pajamas, I slip under the silky sheets atop my bed and immediately fall into a deep sleep. 

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