20 - In town

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It was the year 1735, a sunny late spring morning - or, as the Menials called it, Friday 2nd June. The large town of Nabola was at peace, or as peaceful as it can be under its impoverished circumstances. At any rate, the market was as rowdy and hectic as usual, rather unlike the luxurious manor situated a ten-minute walk away.

After the Human War, the Adroites, who population had fallen by a third during this bloody conflict fuelled by hatred towards themselves, had been given their own land, taken out of Garadh, the Menial Country. In addition, it was agreed amongst the races that the Adroites could, if they wished, place governors in Garadh's districts to ensure such a massacre of their own race never happened again.

(This in time, grew into settling into their land in order to "keep the peace", most notably the towns of Hilsbury and Everdale. The other races had given them full rein - they, too, secretly looked down on the Menials, due to their lack of magic.)

This manor belonged to one of these governors. He was a stone-hearted leader, ruling Nabola and its surrounding district with an iron fist. Any buildings declared 'unnecessary' were burned to the ground, regardless of whether or not there were inhabitants still inside; taxation was high; and dissent was punished severely.

This cold attitude even extended towards his family, his affection for his wife only shown intermittently and his children neglected and rarely seen. With the servants imposing and distant and their parents frequently out of reach, the children had to invent their own ways to entertain themselves.

"What if Mother and Father find out?" The elder - an eleven-year-old girl - asked her younger brother as she hitched up her woolen skirt.

"They won't care, Ruby." the boy answered, hopping off the stone wall and stretching out a hand. "We rarely see them anyway."

"What about the dangers Professor Berend warns us about?" Ruby still hesitated. "People have guns in the city, Jan. I don't want to be shot."

"We're children, why would they hurt us?" Jan brushed off her concerns. "You're such a worryguts, Rue. Come on."

After a few more moments of deliberation, the girl, too, hopped off the wall with the help of her brother, who was one year her junior. Ruby maintained her grip on Jan's hand even after she was safely on the ground.

"What's this for?"

"Remember when you got lost in the castle when we saw Chief Roland?" Ruby answered scornfully. "I'm not going to explain to Mother and Father that you've disappeared in Nabola somewhere."

Jan grimaced in annoyance, but relented. "Fine."

The siblings set off down the dusty back path, finding their way to the centre of their hometown thanks to Jan's experience - he had began these escapades months ago. Within ten minutes they were at the city centre.

"Wow!" Ruby gasped, putting her free hand over her mouth. "It's so... vibrant."

"I know. This is just the marketplace." Jan grins at her. "Go further, and there's even more. A depart-ment store, an arcade, and a cake shop! You'll love it, Rue."

"Can we stay at the market first? I have to see everything here, cos I might not come back again." said Ruby. "Let's look at those flowers first - those orchids look so pretty!"

The siblings spent the best part of an hour exploring the markets. Jan was friendly with several of the store owners, who were delighted to meet his sister at last in spite of their identity. Others told them to shoo.

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