26 - Candour

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Where are they? Where are they?

Let's not bother trapising around the entire castle. I'll wind up lost somehow.

There they are. I don't know exactly where my locator is telling me to go, but I follow it regardless, assured that it cannot be wrong. If you are secure enough in your magical ability, there is no need to worry.

I eventually find myself at the entrance of the library, which I've passed by before but never given much consideration. Perhaps this isn't the best place to tell them.

I'll find a book to read until they've left this place and gone somewhere more suitable.


Understanding the Adroit Genome

The Evolution of Magical Flora

How to Tame a Dragon

What am I doing in the Biology section? Perhaps History section will interest me more.

Galiban Town, Home of the Dwarves

A Guide to the Fifty-Year War

The Evolution of Magic

Isn't that technically science?

From Basalt and Sky: How the Adroites Came to Be

From Basalt and Sky? Must be a reference to the war between Angels and Demons.

Our race, though young, dates back quite far then. I'll give that a read. Only a few pages, until Eric and Flynn leave. I flick to a random page.

The earliest trace of what could be described as the precursor to the Adroit race appeared one and a half thousand years ago. These were the offspring between either an Angel or a Demon, and one of the other natural races (Dwarves, Elves, e.t.c). Whatever their parentage, they were frequently known as 'One-Winged', referencing their half-immortal status, with the well renowned Gruoch Hanardaut describing them as:

Groteske amalgamations of cursed flesh [...] the One-Winged carrie efil or destructif natures uithin them, and pouer immeasurable - efen the kildren can bring down a uatchtower. Thei do not lif long - the pouer is too much for their mortal bodies; thei go insane for a fue aeirs, then die.¹

Most of them did not live to thirty; few, if any, procreated. They were universally shunned, often along with their mortal parent; some would be disowned.² If they were then found by an Angel or Demon, they would often be taken in to be trained in controlling their ptofound magical abilities, allowing them to live a normal lifespan. After the War, these stayed behind on the Earth whilst their pure-blooded companions were banished. They then became known as bogeymen of the countryside, across all races alike, as evidenced by an Elf named Wisters Wintereve:

One of my nieces ran away to

Where are they? They aren't in the library anymore.

I sit down to read a book for two minutes...

I relocate them. They've gone outside, probably to spar, as they seem to be dancing around each other.

Right. They should be alone if they're outdoors.

I meander back through the stairs - only taking one wrong turn - and exit the castle (through a window, but that's because haste is paramount in case they leave again. I don't think anyone saw me). I find them in the training yard - if I didn't know better, I'd assume they were attacking each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2024 ⏰

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