The Theif Parallel.17

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*the room was dark and silent tere he was sitting on the edge of his king size bed his expirations was unreadable,he was fisting the papers in his hand tightly the poor boy didn't know how to react the man he loath his elder brother was there a while ago even he didn't talked to him badly but his words were scratching his heart he read the papers again*

*he got to know that his father want him to be next king after his death it wasnt bothring he knew he deserve that but the thing is he treated his father and brother badly even when his father was taking his last breath he wasnt there he should be there he wasn't with his mother when she leave him in this crule world all alone, somehow he had started to feel panic his heart beat was fast breath uneven his condition was bad he was feeling it again the pain which he had felt years ago when he saw his lifeless mother,he didn't know what to do he cluched his shirt on his chest the pain was unbearable he was getting restless something he wanted badly to do but not able to know the second thing he did was to grab his hair and pull them with force it was getting out of control*

*the feeling was familiar same as years ago when he has cried for his mother to come back at that time it was not that much he was a kid but now his emotion kicking in him badly now he had lost both of them his parents whom he used to cherish with his heart soon he started to scream his condition was getting worst and worst by each moment his head was throbbing with insane pain he want it to end soon he need someone to hold to let him know that everything will be alright you will get over this just like his father and brother had told him to his younger self he started to punch the side table he was kneeling down beside the bed*

*he herad the door opening sound he looked up and saw her he called her with his trembling lips*

*she looked at him he stand up being panic he got near he and asked her*

Jungkook:Yn u are here f-for me ri-ght.
*he was shocking her badly his grip on her arms was getting tight by each second she was feeling pain on her arms she can understand his situation and she know that he needed comfort but he was hurting her and then she said those words that left him miserable she whimpered*

Yn:J-jungkook you a-re hurting m-e.
*then he lost his sanity those were the same words that jimin told him that what were their fathers last words*
Flash Back
Jimin:You know what jungkook he didnt want you to know that but i personally want you to know what was his last words.
*he looked towords jungkook who was silent staring emotionlessly at those property documents he looked up at jimin and said mockingly*

Jungkook:I dont c......
Jimin:you should fucking know what he had sad to me HE SAID JUNGKOOK IS HURTING ME.
Jimin:Can you hear me he said JUNGKOOK.IS.HURTING.ME MR.JEON JUNGKOOK.
Jimin:if i am not his bloold related son than what have u done for him Hun? Eevn you are his own blood and flesh. I have never thought to be this rough to you but today you make me to do that you are my brother i will never wish something bad for you but.....

*he pused for few seconds and junugkook was looking in his eyes with blank eyes which was makeing jimin more angry and he said the words that he never wish for his little Bun*

Jimin: you will suffer maybe not in the same way but in another but you will......but neevr forget that i love you My Little Bun dont repeat the same mistake.
*now he was being brother for his little one*
End of Flash Back

*he moved back from her with slow step when he get near the bed he triped and fell he tried to grab the sheets and his body collied with floor but he managed to not land on his back he was in sitting position yn moved towardshim with fast motion but he moved back hurt and scared because of her he was looking pathetic and then he screamed*

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14 ⏰

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