Chapter One

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I know I know, when you read this some of them are the same as the untamed but keep reading. Don't judge people work when you haven't read the whole chapter. If you don't like it, you don't have to read it. Thank you.
When Wei Wuxian left the burial mound, he has become a difference person. He is no longer the fun, happy go luck Wei Wuxian, he is more like a person with darkness inside of him something he can't let anyone know about it.

"Watch out Wen Chao, I am coming for you." His eye change from Silver to crimson red. "I know where you are hiding and I will find you," with that Wei Ying left the burial mound, and he went to Yiling to buy a new set of clothes and of course get something to eat since he has been staying in the burial mound for three month without water or food.

At night he left the inn to go to where Wen Chao, Wen Zhuliu and Wang Lingjiao is at. He jump on top of the roof that is across from Wang Lingjiao room, 'Your first, your the reason for the death of Jiang Shushu and Madam Yu.'

Wei Ying cause Wang Lingjiao to see thing, like seeing eye ball in her jewelry chest or a dead baby under her bed. When Wang Lingjiao knock over her jewelry box again, her jewelry appear in the box again.

Then a flute sound begin to play, Wang Lingjiao begin to go crazy. She then take a smash up cup to cut her face with it. A white cloth flew into the room as it tie it self on the wood above the room. Wang Lingjiao got on the table and then she hang her self.

In the main room, Wen Chao also is going crazy. He see Wang Lingjiao walking toward him asking him for help, telling him that she doesn't want to die. When Wen Chao stabbed the ghost of Wang Lingjiao in the stomach she didn't die.

He begin to begged no one there to forgive him, then Wen Zhuliu came into the room as he take Wen Chao away from there. 'Wherever you go Wen Chao I will find you,' when Wei Ying jump off from the roof to go after Wen Chao and Wen Zhuliu, he hear a clanking coming from inside of the house.

He decide to follow the sound of the clanking sound. When Wei Ying got there he see who it is, "Wen Qing!" Wen Qing look out of the jail to see, "Wei Wuxian!"

"Hold on Wen Qing," Wei Ying see the key nearby, he went to grab,and went to open the jail door for Wen Qing. He help Wen Qing out of there, "Wen Qing, what happen? Where is Wen Ning?"

"They....they...they...they took Wen Ning. The Wen clan took Wen Ning. I don't know where they took him."

"Come on, is not safe for you to stay here," 'it look like I need to treat Wen Qing first before going after Wen Chao.' Wei Ying take Wen Qing to Yunmeng town. When the two arrive in Yunmeng town Wei Ying take Wen Qing to one of the inn.

"Wen Qing, I need you to stay here. I will go look for Wen Ning okay?" Wen Qing nodded her head. Wei Ying went back down stair, "owner, give my friend anything she want. I will pay you back when I come back to get her," the owner nodded his head as he went back to do his business.

Wei Ying continued to pursue Wen Chao and Wen Zhuliu. When Wei Ying got to where Wen Chao and Wen Zhuliu is at he see Jiang Cheng and Lan Zhan is waiting outside. He see Jiang Cheng and Lan Zhan telling their disciple to head back to the Nie clan first, they will be back by either tonight or tomorrow morning. So all of the disciple left from there leaving just Jiang Cheng and Lan Zhan.

Jiang Cheng and Lan Zhan jump onto the roof to see what is going on inside the tea house. Wei Ying glanced out from where he is hiding, he look up at where Lan Zhan and Jiang Cheng is at. 'I need to take care of Wen Chao and Wen Zhuliu first before I can go find Wen Ning.' "It is time to head in there."

Wei Ying walk to the front door as it slammed open with a big bang. 'I'm sorry Lan Zhan. I can't let you get close to me, I can't let you help me either,' one step at a time as Wei Ying walk up the stair.

When he enter into Lan Zhan and Jiang Cheng view the two is shock to see Wei Ying again, 'but he look different...he not the same Wei Ying that I know.'

"Wen Chao Wen Chao do you really think he can help you now just by calling his name." Wen Zhuliu step up in front of Wei Ying to block Wen Chao from his view. "Wen Zhuliu, do you really think you can protect his pathetic life from me?" He glanced at Wen Chao coward in the corner.

"I will protect him with my life."

Wei Ying let out an annoying chuckle, "Such a loyal dog!"

"This is my way of repaying his excellency for the kindness of promotion."

'For a promotion?!' Wei Ying tighten his grip on his flute, "What A Joke! Other people doesn't deserve what you are doing to them just because you repay your gratitude to Wen Ruohan?!" He bring up his flute, he begin to play an eerie music to summon his ghost or his ghoul.

A red mist appear from down stair as it went up to the second floor. It then turn into a women with red clothes, red eyeliner and very sharp and long nail. She went over to where Wen Chao is at, she put his hood back and thar is when Wen Chao let out a noise. This cause Wen Zhuliu to turn around as he begin to attack the lady in red.

She can only dodge until she has the chance to stab her long nail into Wen Zhuliu arm and then his back. When she disappears Wen Zhuliu went to attack Wei Ying, that is when Jiang Cheng and Lan Zhan break through the roof to help Wei Ying.

Jiang Cheng wrapped Zidian around Wen Zhuliu neck as he pull him up and away from Wei Ying. Jiang Cheng pull on the Zidian very hard so that he can kill Wen Zhuliu on the spot. When Wen Zhuliu stop moving, Jiang Cheng take back Zidian as Wen Zhuliu dead body fall down to the floor.

When Lan Zhan turn around to look at Wei Ying, he avoid looking at him. "Here is your sword!" Jiang Cheng throw Suibian over to Wei Ying, 'Suibian,' "thank you."

"You little brat. Where have you been for the past three month? Lan er gongzi and I have been all over the place looking for you."

"It's a long story....It's a long story." 'I can't tell them that Wen Chao threw me into the burial mound. I don't think they will believe in me.'

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