Chapter 19

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September 2013

Winston Higgerdod could hear them coming as soon as they turned down the hallway where the Smithy Shop was located.

Howard's ears perked up at the sound from where he sat beside Winston behind the tall counter where he handled customer's purchases, though Winston knew he wouldn't move unless ordered. Howard was the only animal in the compound, technically it was forbidden but a concession had been made eight years before Howard's arrival. Winston knew it was a gesture on Ralph's part to call a truce between the two. The sad thing was even though many years had passed Ralph still didn't understand that it wasn't about leaving the Clinkirk Compound to Winston, what he had wanted was for Ralph to stand up to his father but not Winston nor Patti had meant enough for him to do so.

            However, Winston was grateful for his job, now that he was older, he was unable to fulfill his duties in the Workshop. With the death of Neil Griswold, the position became available and Ralph personally appointed Winston his successor. Winston didn't like to take charity or owe any sort of debt of gratitude to Ralph, but he acknowledged that if he didn't the alternative was struggling to do a job, he no longer had the ability to complete.

             Many did not know there was once a time when Winston and Ralph were friends. Winston's father Martin had been the advisor of Stormy Shore before the deportation of the Higgerdod family, and as a result Winston would occasionally accompany his father to Rafanoli Manor when he had business to attend to there. This is how Winston and Ralph first met. Normally Winston stayed in his father's office until his work was completed, but on this day he had grown bored and decided to do some exploring of the manor on his own. Winston found Ralph in a corner of the library curled up in an armchair reading a book about trains.

            "You must like trains then." Winston had said.

            Startled Ralph had looked up, accidentally dropping his book to the floor in surprise.

            "Sorry to frighten you," Winston added apologetically.

            "Who are you?" asked Ralph, picking up his book, "How did you get in here?"

            At that age Ralph's hair had been black as night with exactly three curls brushing his forehead. His skin was that of an olive complexion with hazel eyes and large dimples in his cheeks. Everyone said he took after his mother; some even went so far as to speculate if Ralph was even Ignacio's son. After all he had married four times to produce an heir as Luca Rafanoli decreed that only men should rule except in the rare case a male was unable to be produced. Ignacio was determined this would not be the case, much to his daughter's dismay, who all resembled Ignacio remarkably. On that day Ralph had been dressed in beige shorts and a white and blue striped button-down shirt.

            "The door was open. I'm just waiting for my father to get done so we can go home."

            "Your father?" asked Ralph curiously.

            "Yes, Martin Higgerdod, advisor of Stormy Shore. I'm Winston by the way."

            "You've been here before then?" Ralph asked suspiciously.

            Winston nodded, "Every now and then."

            The south wall of the library boasted tall glass windows overlooking the garden at Rafanoli Manor. It consisted of various vegetables, though they were difficult to grow in the island climate, fruit trees, tropical flowers and several stone benches and fountains. It was a smaller version of the Kruse-Sandfox gardens located in the center of Stormy Shore.

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