An excerpt from Held Captive: The True Story of Life Under Rafanoli. By: Asher Tibbles
The Trinity Clinic first opened in 1920. Prior to this, one physician always remained on duty and saw patients in a small badly equipped room. Because the death toll was mounting, Antonio Rafanoli ordered the construction of a medical clinic. Unfortunately, he would not live to see its completion.
The physicians of the Trinity Clinic are residents of Stormy Shore. They complete their medical training at Heyer Medical Clinic located down Main Street in Stormy Shore.
In reference to when our story takes place, the year was 1988 when Dr. Shane MacMahon halfway through his training was approached by Dr. Augustus Moss to finish his training in the Clinkirk Compound. Dr. Moss recently took over the position of Chief Physician in the Trinity Clinic, replacing Chester Bakersfield. Dr. MacMahon accepted and three years later Dr. Edith Silverstein joined him.
To become a doctor on Pigscula Keys, one must complete five years under the guidance of a current physician, their form of residency. Under the rulership of Ignacio Rafanoli whenever a prospective physician lost a patient a year was added to their residency. Ralph Rafanoli disbanded with this allocation when he took over.
The doctors of the Trinity Clinic work on eight-hour revolving shifts. In the beginning, since Dr. Moss was getting on in age, the other two decided that one of them should always be in attendance just in case. In 2015 Dr. Honoria Getelfinger joined the Trinity Clinic in addition to the three staff nurses: Maureen Townsend, Gretchen Morgan and Hester Cruz. Staff of the Trinity Clinic can choose to either return to Stormy Shore when they are not on duty or reside in the small room allocated to them for their use.
The Trinity Clinic officially closed in 2018 following the conclusion of Wendell's War.
Recluse Island
AvventuraThe island of Pigscula Keys, some would say, was an accidental discovery. Others would call it the beginning of centuries of despair and forced imprisonment. Whether accidental or not it would become a place no one could ever leave. The Rafanoli's...