Chapter 28

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Brynhildr's P. O. V:

I'm awoken by a couple of unfamiliar voices. I blink my eyes to see Millianna and Wally.

Relief washes over the girl's features once she sees I'm awake. "Oh, good! You're awake, meow! We were worried when we saw you unconscious," The brunette says.

"Who are you?" I question, frowning.

"I'm Wally and that's Millianna. Don't worry! We're on your side now," Says Blocky. He grins. "We were told by Simon to take you and your friends out today the tower. We already have the other girls with us."

I blink my eyes again and look behind them to see an anime crying Lucy and an unconscious Juvia, tied up in brown rope.

Lucy gives me a hopeless look.

"Can you stand up?" Millianna asks me.

I use the wall to help but manage to get to my feet. "I think I can make it out of here."

"That's good! Let's go wait outside for the others."

I follow Millianna and Wally out of the tower.


Gray, Lucy, Juvia, Sho, Millianna, Happy, Wally and I are on the boat my teammates and I had come in on as Gray urges, "Cone on, guys, turn this boat around right now!"

Wally says, "That ain't happening, so close your mouth!"

Millianna adds, "Erza said to get as far away from the tower as we can."

Lucy protests, "But now she and Natsu have no way to leave!" We look back at the tower. "They're stuck!"

Sho assures us, "You don't have to worry. They're gonna be fine. I know it." He gazes back at the tower.

Gray murmurs as he tries to get up, "He can't do it alone. Natsu needs me to back him up."

Wally says, "Forget about it. Simon's with him, so I'm sure it'll work out just dandy."

"Well, it's not gonna be dandy if they end up dead!" Lucy yells.

"Meow, you don't have to yell like that!" Says Millianna.

"We shouldn't be fighting, you guys," Says Sho.

"Shut your trap and take me back to the shore right now! I've gotta go back for them," Shouts Gray.

"I'm with him! Turn the boat around!" Lucy snaps as I nod, also not wanting to leave my friends behind.

Wally shouts back, "I told you, that ain't happening!"

"WOULD YOU SHUDDUP?!?!" Happy suddenly bursts out, scaring all of us. He stands at the back of the boat. "Quit yelling at each other and just try to get along!!" He hangs his head, tears in his eyes. "I wanna go back for them, too, but we can't, because the Etherion's gonna blast that place any minute now! Natsu's gonna save Erza and they're gonna make it out of there alive! Simon told me that's what would happen." Tears drip down his cheeks. "He said that once Natsu's true power awakens within him, he's gonna be unstoppable!" Millianna whimpers. "Not even Jellal will be able to beat him!"

Awhile later, a massive energy blast hits the Tower of Heaven, engulfing everything in a bright white light. The blast was so strong that it rocks the ocean. We'd lost our boat. Juvia has regained consciousness in time to form a protective dome of water around us.

I ask, "Wh-What's happening?"

"Oh, no!" Happy gasps. "Did we lose them?"

When the light fades, we were surprised to see that the Tower has transformed into a tower of crystal.

Book 1: The Sealed Heart (Natsu X OC)Where stories live. Discover now