Chapter 2

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Brynhildr's P. O. V:

The next morning, I linger in the guild hall as I hear Lucy reading off a bunch of jobs from the Request Board.

"... Look For A Magic Bracelet, Break A Spell On A Cursed Cane, Read Someone's Love Horoscope... Hunt Down A Volcano Demon?! Geez, I had no idea that wizarding jobs were so varied!"

Approaching Lucy, Mira says kindly, "Well, let me know when you find one you like! The Master's away at a conference, so I'm covering for him."

Lucy asks curiously, "What kind of conference...?"

"One for guild Masters." She places a finger to her chin, as she adds, "It's like the Magic Council, but not." Turning to a big man with curly light brown hair wearing a top hat, Mira asks politely, "Excuse me, Reedus? Could I borrow a Light Pen?"

"Oui!" Reedus replies in a French accent, before he pulls a pen out of his pocket and throws it to Mira, who easily catches it.

A Light Pen is a magical item that allows the user to write in the air.

Drawing a diagram of the guild system in the air with the Light Pen, Mira explains to Lucy, "The Council, Era, is the most powerful organisation in the magical world, and it's only one step below the government. It has ten members, and its their job to uphold all the magical rules and regulations. And if a wizard breaks magical law, they would be tried by the Council. Then, there are the different guild master leagues in which in local groups work together. Then the individual guild masters. It's their job to pass on the decree of the Council. They also communicate with the other guild masters on a regular basis. Well, I guess you could say they're the glue that holds all of us together. Which is a pretty stressful job."

Lucy murmurs thoughtfully, hand on chin, "Wow! I never realise that all the different magical guild were interconnected like that."

"It's important that we cooperate with one another, otherwise the system would fall apart."

Summoning a flame to his fingertip and holding it up to his face, which has a devious grin on it, Natsu says, scaring Lucy, "And then the guys in black would show up!!"

Lucy gives a small scream.

Natsu laughs, folding his hands behind his head and making my left eyebrow twitch. "HAHAHA!! That was almost too easy!" I was standing beside Natsu with my arms crossed.

"You trying to scare me to death?!" She demands.

I say seriously, "Natsu's actually right for once, Lucy. But, seriously! The guys Natsu's talking about, really exist! They're the dark guilds." Mira draws an oval on the diagram labeled 'Dark Guild.'

I finish, "They've chosen not to join any of the leagues. They're the bad apples, and most of them are involved in magical crime."

Lucy breathes, "Wow..."

Natsu tells Lucy, "Would you just pick us a job already?"

Lucy replies, "You have got to be kidding me. What makes you think I'd want to do that?"

"Well, we are a team now, aren't we."

Popping up next to Natsu, Happy says, "Yeah! And we picked the job last time. It's your turn to pick, so get to it!"

Crossing her arms stubbornly, Lucy responds, "Just forget it, cat! As far as I'm concerned, our 'team' has been disbanded. And besides, you didn't want me, you just needed me 'cause I'm a blonde!"

Natsu says with a grin, "Don't be ridiculous! That's not the only reason we chose you. We picked you 'cause your so nice!"

Lucy gives Natsu a doubtful frown.

Book 1: The Sealed Heart (Natsu X OC)Where stories live. Discover now