Grains a X-ross Concrete: Part 4

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Sandman entered the Sanctum Sanctorum. It rubbed him in all the wrong ways. The victorian esthetic wasn't the problem, it was the aura of oddities, as if he was being watched by many different entities.

But for what he desired, he followed Robin's trail down to the basement, leaving behind a trail of sand. In a large open stone brick basement, which was cold and damp, Flint saw Robin standing near a large black sphere.

Robin: Good. You're here.

Robin: Within this sphere, is what I've been hunting. Now use your strength and that hook I gave you to rip it open.

Sandman: It's that simple?

Robin: That hook has been enchanted with a plethora of enchantments.

Robin: And the enchanted sand made from the shrines we made to create the dome...

Robin: It'll generate the necessary power for you to rip it open.

Robin; And being made of sand... You should survive.

Sandman: Should?

Robin; I'm not sure how the two forces will react upon contact. You could die horrifically.


Robin: Or not.

Walking away from the sphere, Robin watches as Sandman lifts his hook and swings it at the magic sphere. Magical energy crackles. Outside, the sand dome begins rotating once more. Flint, with all his might pulls and pulls, believing whatever is behind the sphere is the key to his desire.



The sphere is slit open, as it disintegrates into nothing, Flint catches a glimpse at what it contained.

A cube.

It was silver, and slightly larger than a Rubik's cube. Odd markings covered each surface.

This cub floated to the floor where an arm bloomed from the ground to catch it. A row of arms then passed it along to Robin who excitedly took it, grasping it with both hands. She brought it close to her face.

Robin:(smiles) This is it....!

She alone could read the markings. Carefully reading each side of the cube, Robin's smile shrunk slowly away. Her eyes so filled with excitement, became dead and hollow as the information she learned was not even close to what she wanted to learn.


Sandman: Well...? How do we bring her back to life?

Robin: Hm? Oh...

Robin: This isn't what you need for that.

Sandman: What...?

Robin: What I hold in my hand is called a Poneglyph. Through my research, I've come to learn that it's...

Robin: Made from a mystic material that conducts magic impossibly well, carved onto it is history forgotten or never recorded.

Robin: By some type of "Watcher".

Robin:(mind) This one has nothing about the origin of Mutants.

Robin:(mind) I'm back to square one....

She tossess the cube away.

Robin:(mind) Joyboy... Apocalypse... Their fight doesn't mean anything to me...

Robin:(mind) I guess we Mutants are just that... Randomly gifted. A sin against humanity....

Sandman: Oi! What about me!?! What about what I want!? How can I bring back my daughter!? How can I go back to being human??!

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