Chapter 1

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Conan made sure he kept low and hidden, using his small size to his advantage. He was following Gin. The same Gin who shrunk him into this form.

Honestly running into him was an accident. He and Uncle Kogoro had gone to a pharmaceutical company for a typical case involving medical supplies being used for something not they were made for while Ran was at karate practice and naturally a murder had happened. Before the murder happened though Conan had spotted Gin entering the building on his own.

After solving the murder, and honestly being a bit surprised that Gin hadn't been the one to commit it, a fire had broken out as the killer tried to escape. Conan took this chance to kick Kogoro awake and then run after Gin to see what he was here for and if he could stop the man.

He had followed Gin to a secret place near the back of the company where he seemed to be waiting for someone in the safe of volatile things. It was a surprise that anyone was still here considering how everyone had panicked and evacuated when the fire broke out...but then again there weren't any fire alarms going off yet.

Wait...nope. The fire alarm just went off here too.

Conan watched as Gin gave an annoyed sigh and stood up, looking aggravated but not pissed or bloodthirsty yet.

Conan began to power up his shoes to surprise the black organization member with a super shot to the head that should knock him out long enough for Conan to go get the cops to arrest him.

Well that had been his plan until an explosion rocked the building and knocked him and Gin both off of their feet. Fire was suddenly filling the room as bits of debris and parts of the ceiling came down. Since he had been under the desk and peering around the edge he had avoided the worst of it since the explosion had sent him tumbling back under it fully. The worst damage Conan had was a few bruises from the tumble and a small burn on his cheek where a flame had gotten him.

Crawling out from under the desk that had caught on fire however he saw that Gin seemed worse off. He was on the ground looking dazed and a bit out of it, having been hit with some debris and his hat was knocked off.

Conan coughed a little but smirked. This wasn't what he wanted to happen but this did give him a chance to finally catch the cold blooded killer who had poisoned him and was hunting Haibara.

Hearing a groan and creaking though Conan looked around alarmed and then felt his heart jump into his throat. A cabinet full of chemicals was tilting dangerously and about to fall...and it was right over where Gin was laid out on the floor still dazed.

Conan didn't even remember moving. He just reacted on reflex and instinct.

"Move!" Conan yelled as he dashed forward, his still powered shoes giving him an extra boost in his speed as he slammed into Gin's side.

Gin might be more than three times Conan's size at the moment, but the momentum behind Conan's body hitting his and Gin being too dazed to have tried and defended himself had the ash blond haired man rolling away just in time for the cabinet and it's chemicals to come crashing down.

Gin was brought back to focus at being shoved like that and looked up alarmed. Looking to see who had shoved him his eyes fell on a small body coated in different liquids laying on the ground where he had just been. Gin's throat seized up and it didn't have anything to do with the smoke filling the room. A child.

Scrambling to his feet, Gin quickly rushed over and shoved the cabinet to the side and away from nearly crushing the little body who was unconscious and had a tiny leg that was bent at an unnatural angle. There was no telling what those chemicals were or what they were made to do and grabbing the child with his bare hands wouldn't be a good idea.

"Hold on little one." Gin said softly as he took off his trench coat and wrapped the small body in it, noting the glasses that were laying on the ground and grabbing those too just in case. They probably belonged to the child after all.

"I'm going to get you somewhere safer and get you some help." Gin said gently as he cradled the small body, a boy of about six if he had to guess, to his chest and supported his obviously broken leg as he began finding the fastest way out of the building while his mind raced with possibilities.

How had a child gotten into that area of the company without anyone stopping him? There were no other adults in the area. Had he wondered off and gotten lost? No there would have been an announcement about it over the intercoms. The boy must have been in the room when the fire alarm went off and the explosion.

The kid had pushed him aside and saved his life. Gin owed this small body in his arms a debt.

Getting out of the building and noticing how no one was looking around for a child he felt his grip on the child tighten a little. No one was looking for him. Sure there were a few people in ambulances for smoke inhalation, a few broken bones, and some burns...but no one was looking for a missing child. He didn't have anyone looking for him.

He was well dressed, probably from a wealthy family, but no one was looking for him. His parents or guardians were obviously negligent of the boy if he had wandered off without anyone noticing and he was so tiny and lightweight that it worried Gin.

"Come on little one. I'm taking you with me. You'll be safe and taken care of there." Gin said slipping away towards his car with the tiny body in his arms still unconscious and whimpering slightly in pain as he was gently deposited in the back seat of the Porsche so that Gin could get him to Headquarters.

He had no clue that the little boy he had just, essentially, kidnapped was the shrunken form of a teenage detective that he had once tried to kill. He had no clue that the little boy had lots of friends in high places that were going to go frantic to find him.

He had no idea that this little boy who saved his life...was going to end up changing his entire life.

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