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How can you know that he has amnesia and that they blinded him?" Haibara immediately asked Kaito when he arrived at the get together and making him frown.

"He never once mentioned me. Tantei-kun and I have butted heads many times, more than enough times for him to know me just by my voice but he didn't give any indication of knowing that it was me. Also…" Here Kaito glanced around warily, looking at Yukiko concerned.

"The brown haired woman we thought was a good Samaritan? The one who looks like that newscaster from a while ago? He called her… well he called her mama." Kaito said making Yukiko gasp and look heartbroken.

"Now that you bring that up where are Conan-kun's parents? Shouldn't they be here?" Yumi from traffic division asked frowning slightly and not noticing how Ran, Kogoro, Sonoko, and every cop from Division One had tensed.

"I'm…not sure where they are. We were never given a number for them or an address or any way of contacting them and we hadn't seen them in over a year." Ran said but she didn't look pleased by this while Sonoko scowled.

"Conan didn't seem too phased by them never being around or by the lack of contact and even when I used my connections to look up their names I didn't get any hits." Sonoko said crossing her arms over her chest.

"It's probably for the best that they aren't here. We've noticed some rather…disturbing things surrounding Conan and we're not sure it'd be a good idea for us to meet them." Shiratori said with a grunt and Haibara saw the way the Lupin gang looked confusedly towards the Kudo's who looked stricken with every word they were hearing about 'Conan's parents.

"Ya mean like how he doesn't seem ta care as much bout someone threatenin' him wid violence as someone tryin' ta get ta know him? Ah saw him nearly take a knife ta de chest fer Ran an' not bat an eye but when ah started ta ask him bout himself he acted like ah had pulled a gun on 'im." Kazuha voiced making the officers nod while the rest of the group winces, those who knew the truth because of how badly that spoke of his home life to the ones not in the know.

Haibara glanced at the Kudo's and winced at the looks on their faces as she decided to change the subject.

"How were you able to tell that he was blind?" Haibara asked looking at Kaito again and making him wince as all eyes turned to him.

"When he looked at me…he looked in my direction but his gaze was to the left a little too much. His eyes…they were a milky blue color. I made several faces at him and had kept myself in his range of vision but he never once looked right at me or batted an eye at what I was doing." Kaito said not looking happy and the room as a whole seemed to swell with anger and fury.

"He also had one leg in a cast and some bandages on his arms. Looks like they roughed him up a bit and when I get my hands on them…" Jigen cut himself off with a growl as he checked his gun pointedly and not a single person, not even the police officers, made any move or said a single thing to stop him.

In fact it looked like most of them agreed with him by the way they were looking at their own guns.

"But why blind him? Conan is a little detective. Blinding him robs him of at least forty percent of his ability to solve cases." Agase said and he was looking pointedly at Ai curiously.

"That might be why. They noticed he was smarter than usual and was able to put clues together much like Mori-san is. If they tried to make him join but he refused then that explains the injuries such as his leg and the bandages on him. To keep him from being a future thorn in their side or even being able to identify any of them, they did something to his eyes. A chemical perhaps? Whatever it did though caused him to develop amnesia and they're now using that to their advantage to make him believe that some of their operatives are his family and then they can try to mold and shape him as they wish since he's now a clean slate." Okiya said darkly grave and causing everyone to growl at this and several of them had tears in their eyes.

"I'm going to bitch slap them with my bike." Masumi growled from where she had been beside Ran trying to keep the other girl calm.

"Get in line." Heiji grunted darkly. Kudo…

"This brown haired woman. The good Samaritan…which news reporter did she look like?" Jodie asked looking at the group that had been sent to retrieve Conan.

"I don't watch the news much. I had only glimpsed her once and hadn't heard her name." Kaito said while the Lupin gang shrugged their shoulders, they didn't know either.

"Here hold on…" Jodie seemed to search her purse for something and then drew out a picture.

"Here. Is this her?" Jodie asked handing a picture to Kaito and making him nod.

"Yes that's her. She's the one tantei-kun called mama." Kaito said causing Jodie to relax a little.

"That makes things a little better then. That's Rena Mizunashi, she's our woman on the inside. She'll keep him safe and away from the more dangerous members of the organization." Jodie said and James and Camel relaxed a little as well at this as everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Kaito-kun…why is there a video trending of you trying to get Conan back and being called a pedophile?" Yukiko's voice was tight as she looked at the thief, her phone in her hand and everyone looked at her alarmed and confused.

"Tch. The first man that was with tantei-kun intervened when I was trying to take him from Mizunashi-san and accused me of being a pedo for being more focused on tantei-kun instead of… wait someone videotaped that?" Kaito asked his brain catching up with what Yukiko had just said.

"It's trending on every social media there is. Sharon just sent me a link of the video. Apparently there were more members there than we expected and one of them was close enough to record the entire thing, with sound to boot." Yukiko said dryly as she showed them the video on her phone.

"Shit." Haibara swore when she saw the man and heard him claim that Rena was his woman.

"Ai-chan!" Ran said shocked and aghast at the curse.

"That is Gin. One of the executive agents and their most ruthless killer. He's the one who shot my sister and tried to kill me as well. If Conan is under his direct line of sight and if he's claiming Rena as his woman… this is going to be a lot harder than we expected." Haibara said coldly and she was trembling a little now.

If Kudo-kun had really lost his memories and was being taken care of under the disguise that he was Kir's son…then with Gin publicly proclaiming that Kir was his woman that meant Kudo was told that Gin was his father.

She was going to need therapy after this… and a hell of a lot more coffee during it.

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