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Get away from him!" Gin snarled looking dangerous and protective and fierce as he burst into the room and had his gun out and aimed at Bourbon in an instant while the blond haired male looked up calmly from where he was holding Conan close.

"He was having a panic attack when I was passing by. Since he visits the café often he knows my voice and I thought I could calm him down because of it." Bourbon said calmly although his eyes flashed with worry as he glanced down at the little boy who leaned against his chest and was tense when Gin came into the room.

"It's okay Conan I'm here now. I'm sorry I left you alone like that but I needed to go to the meeting. Are you okay? Can you tell me what the panic attack was about or do you not feel up to it?" Gin asked his voice gentle and soft as he approached the bed quickly and glared death at Bourbon who raised an eyebrow at how Gin was acting with the child.

"He lost his sight." Bourbon said making Gin roll his eyes.

"Thank you blondie as if that wasn't obvious." Gin said dryly and earning a small snort of amusement from Conan and a louder one from Chianti near the door.

"He just lost his sight and he's in a new place he's never been before surrounded by people he doesn't know. Is it any wonder that he panicked? Especially since he wanted to be a detective when he got older so he greatly relied on his sight to find or spot clues that would help him crack a case." Bourbon said giving Gin a smug look and a glare at the same time while Gin's face softened as he looked at the little boy that was no longer smiling at being reminded that he wasn't able to see any clues to help him solve his cases now.

"Well…don't worry okay? We'll figure something out. I'll figure out a way for you to still be able to solve cases and I'll help you learn how to do it and we'll just adapt and overcome any obstacle in the way okay?" Gin asked softly as he gently pulled Conan into his arms and making the boy tense but then he relaxed a little when Gin hummed something low in his throat soothingly to the boy.

"Don't worry little man. I'll watch out for you and help you any way that I can." Gin said softly and causing Conan to stay silent. Gin was being serious. He really meant what he was saying.

"So this little runt is the one who saved your ass?" Chianti asked from the doorway, causing Conan's head to snap up and his milky blue eyes to try and scan the area where the voice had come from. It didn't mean he saw anything though.

"Easy there runt. Didn't mean to scare ya. Name's Chianti, there's a man right here named Korn but don't worry we aren't gonna hurt you." Chianti's rough and usually annoyed voice was a lot gentler now and Conan didn't see it but the female snipers face and eyes softened at the sight of the newly blinded and scared child that looked remarkably tiny, especially when he was that close to someone as tall as Gin.

"Tiny." Korn said staring at the boy whose eyes turned towards him this time and Chianti snorted slightly.

"Isn't he? How old are you anyways runt?" Chianti asked as she got closer to Conan who was trying his best not to panic at the thought of not just Gin but also two snipers in close proximity when he wasn't able to see anything or protect himself.

"Six." He said quietly as he tried to keep his breathing even. The only reason that he wasn't in another panic attack at the moment was because Bourbon was still there and the man was openly protective of Conan.

"You look more like you're three or four. You're really tiny for your age kid." Vodka said frowning slightly not that Conan could see it but he didn't sound too happy about something at the moment.

"You're a runt! Don't worry little guy. Chianti's going to put some meat on your bones and get you big and strong in no time. You know how to shoot a gun?" Chianti asked grabbing Conan from Gin without warning and lifting him up.

"Yes? My dad taught me how to shoot a pistol in Hawaii." Conan said sounding confused about why she would ask.

"How'd you like to learn how to shoot a sniper rifle? You're a bit small for some of the higher caliber ones but I've got a few small caliber rifles you can learn on until you're a bit stronger." Chianti said and she sounded eager while Bourbon snorted slightly.

"Yeah sure. Teach the blind kid how to shoot a gun. That's just an accident waiting to happen." Bourbon said coldly and making Chianti glare at him over Conan's head.

"Screw you Bourbon!" Chianti snapped before Gin took Conan back out of her arms.

"Chianti I think you're scaring him." Korn said when Chianti whined slightly about the kid being taken from her.

"But Korn just look at him! He's tiny and fragile like one of those porcelain pots or something! How can you not want to hug the little guy?" Chianti whined while Gin snorted slightly.

"The girl is Chianti, she's childish and bloodthirsty but she has a soft spot for small kids and animals. You'll be fine with her if I'm not around. Her minder is Korn. He's quiet and stoic most of the time but he doesn't hurt kids. If you can't find me or Vodka for some reason you find them two and stay with them until I find you okay?" Gin said to Conan who just nodded his head dumbly.

Two days ago if you told him he'd be in the medical wing of the Black Organization HQ and being coddled by the members he knew of, and was scared of, Conan would have laughed in your face and told you that you had been smoking too many funny plants.

Now he was just wondering if this was all some weird dream and he'd wake up in the morning.

But no. This was apparently the truth and what was really happening now.

He still had no clue how he was going to get out of this mess, especially since he no longer could actually see anything.

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