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Are you both okay?" Gin asked immediately fretting over them after he got away from Kaito who had to curse as he was ran off by his fans trying to mob him.

"We're fine Gin. He didn't hurt us or anything." Kir said blushing slightly at how intently he was focusing on her and Conan who she had kept in her arms just in case the thief tried a second appearance. He couldn't steal Conan when he was right there safe and secure in her arms after all.

"Ah but we should get Conan-kun looked at again. The crowd was jostling him pretty badly and I'm not sure if they hurt his leg further." Kir said glancing down at the boy in her arms and getting worried that he had been hurt by the crowd before she had gotten to him.

"I'm fine now." Conan said and he wiggled in her arms as if wanting her to put him down, but instead she just adjusted and then tightened her grip on him.

"Don't try to walk, your crutch was knocked away during the stampede. Until we find it then just let one of us carry you." Kir said pressing a kiss to his hair while Gin stared at her for a moment and had an almost awed look on his face.

"You look beautiful carrying a child." Gin said softly and making Kir's entire face flame a brilliant shade of red as she stared at him wide eyed while Conan looked embarrassed for her. Gin went red as well when he realized what his words could mean.

"I-I meant that you look amazing holding a kid in your arms and acting all…well motherly." Gin said not looking at her as he blushed a little brighter while her cheeks were near permanently stained the color of a tomato. Vodka was quietly snickering from where he was standing beside Curacao who was openly laughing.

"Real smooth pick up line there asshole!" Curacao said teasingly and making Gin blush brighter and scowl at her.

"Shut up." Was all he said though as he glanced at Kir who was bright red still but was smiling slightly and looking shy as she glanced up at him as well.

"Are you okay Conan-kun? I'm sorry I got separated from you in that crowd." Gin asked looking at Conan to try and focus on something else other than the woman who made his heart throb in his chest.

"It's alright. You couldn't have known it would have happened." Conan said not admitting how scared and lost and wrong footed he had felt without the nice Jun Karishima there to help him like he had been doing for the last two weeks.

"I'll make sure I'm better prepared for next time then. I believe that I promised you ice cream though so how about we go get some of that?" Gin asked smiling softly at Conan who looked towards him confused and curious.

"Ice cream? Why?" Conan asked and he couldn't see how all of the adults flinched or winced at the question. No normal child turned down ice cream. Why was he so surprised by the offer of it? Why was he questioning it?

Kir's grip tightened on him ever so slightly. What kind of home life had he had with the Mouri's or before them that he seemed so surprised and confused by them wanting to take him out for ice cream? She looked up at Gin who seemed to be wondering the same thing and not liking whatever his brain came up with but he forced those emotions down.

"Because you were such a brave and good boy today. You stayed near me holding my hand the whole time until the crowd forced us apart and then when you were found by Kir you stayed with her and didn't talk to any strange people that like nasty magician who wanted to take you from us. You more than deserve some ice cream." Gin said softly resting one hand on Conan's back gently while his other reached around Kir and held her to his side, she blushed again but didn't say anything against it.

"Aww. You look like a small family. So does this count as your first date with Kir then?" Curacao asked teasing Gin as she took some pictures of Gin with his arm around Kir while she held Conan and Gin had a hand on the boys back. They truly did look like a couple with their son. Kir felt the hope and warmth in her chest nearly explode and she couldn't have stopped her next actions even if she wanted to.

"I swear I'm going to-" Gin began to threaten Curacao again, glaring at her with a blush on his cheeks but Kir leaned into his side before he withdrew his arm.

"And if it does?" Kir asked looking at Curacao who looked surprised at that, as did Gin who gaped down at Kir in disbelief.

"I don't think we should keep our little boy waiting on his ice cream. Let's go dear." Kir said smirking at how stunned she had left Gin, Curacao and Vodka as she walked towards Gin's car with Conan in her arms while they stared after her speechless.

"We'll have you enjoying some nice ice cream in just a moment Conan-kun. Just be patient okay?" Kir asked smiling and kissing his head as she strapped him into the backseat of the Porsche before she stood up and looked over her shoulder at Gin, smirking slightly at the look on his face.

"Well? Are you going to leave us waiting? What is it that Chianti says about men who make women wait?" Kir asked causing Gin to blink dumbly for a few seconds before he jerkily made his way over to her.

Kir watched as he approached her and then just moved to open the car door for her silently, apparently still stunned speechless at what she had said and claimed.

"Kir…?" Gin asked finally as he stared at her while she leaned up on her tip toes and kissed his cheek.

"You said that I was your woman. Let's go on some dates first and we'll see where it goes alright?" Kir asked smiling softly at him and blushing a bit as she pushed some of her hair behind her ear.

Gin just nodded dumbly for a moment before he grinned as he held open the car door for her.

"That's more than alright. I promise I won't make you regret giving me a chance."

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