Chapter 5

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"But surely if someone that was deemed important enough for them to assault me in broad daylight in the streets was missing or taken then there would have been something in the news about it? I haven't heard of anything like that however…" Kir trailed off frowning and honestly confused as to who they were searching for and why they had thought she would know who it was and where he was.

"They probably want to cover up their failure at keeping one of their own or someone so high profile safe. That way their other agents and the people that look to them for protection don't start doubting them." Gin sad shaking his head and honestly wondering who it could be they were searching for so heavy handedly.

He wished that little Conan had someone looking for him that passionately.

"Speaking of missing people. Where's Bourbon?" Vermouth asked glancing around for her subordinate and partner who hadn't shown up yet.

"Curacao where would his path have taken him through the building and is there anything that could have delayed him?" Rum asked the silver haired woman whose lips twitched downward for half a second as she considered it.

"Coming from the western entrance like he does he would have had to pass by the recovery ward of the medical wing and then the cafeteria before making it here. The only things that could have distracted him is food if he has not yet eaten or seeing somber he knows in a recovery room." Curacao relayed making Gin stiffen immediately.

"Conan… If he's hurt a hair on the kids head I'm going to kill him!" Gin snarled as he sprinted from the room, startling everyone.

"What the hell?!" Chianti looked just as confused as everyone else.

"Aniki's gotten attached to a little kid that saved him yesterday and was hurt badly in the process. That's who he's afraid Bourbon hurt." Vodka helpfully piped in while everyone looked at each other slowly.

"A half-pint saved Gin? This kid I've gotta meet." Chianti said leaving the room and quickly followed by Korn.

"I need to go to medical to have my arm checked anyways." Kir said taking her leave while Vodka raced after them.

"Curacao try to find out more about who the FBI and police are so worried about finding." Rum ordered making the woman bow her head in acknowledgement.

"Well I've got other things to do. You know how to get me if you need me." Vermouth said leaving the room and heading back to her own to try and find out where Cool Guy had gone off too. She had a very good idea that he was the one the FBI were searching for.

Why they questioned Kir however she had no idea.

What were the chances that he had been taken by a member of the organization anyways?

She highly doubted that's what happened to her Cool Guy.

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