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So why didn't you want to go with Kaito Kid if he was going to take you back to your family Conan-kun?" Rena asked as she sat with Conan while Gin went to get the ice cream.

"Because then he'd be made a target of the BO. If anyone got hurt or…or died because of me...I already have at least two deaths on my hands. I don't want to add another." Conan said calmly and a bit detached as he stared in her direction.

"I see…" Rena could understand that. He wanted to protect people. It was what he did.

"But now I have a question for you Rena-san." Conan said causing her to look at him.

"Hm?" She hummed to let him know she was listening.

"Are you really interested in dating Gin or are you just using this as a way to cement your cover and get more information?" Conan asked bluntly and making Rena frown as she looked down at the table top in front of her.

"I…I'm really interested in him. I know I shouldn't be. Not when we're on opposite sides of the law but…I can't help it. I can't help but fall for him." Rena said softly and making Conan nod his head a bit.

"The heart loves who it loves. I won't say anything against it but I will tell you to be careful. You know what will happen if he learns that you're CIA…and if he thinks that you're just using him he won't be happy." Conan said making her smile as she hugged him to her side and gently ran her fingers through his hair.

"I know. You're very smart and mature for your age Conan-kun…but for now…just be a kid alright? Just…be a kid and let us take care of you for a while." Rena said softly as she held him while Conan blinked at this. Be a kid? Sure he was stuck in a kids body and he had to act like one a lot but…to just be a kid full time around her and Gin?

"You'll be a good mother one day Rena. A beautiful one too." Gin said as he approached the table with three things of ice cream in hand. He gave one to Rena and sat the bowl in front of Conan before he sat in the booth across from them with his own ice cream in hand.

"Oh? Is that an offer?" Rena asked raising an eyebrow and smirking at Gin who nearly choked on his ice cream. Conan was amused to hear Gin spluttering for a moment as he felt for his bowl and grabbed the spoon once he found it.

Conan just sat silently and ate his ice cream as neatly as he could while the two adults talked and Rena casually flirted with Gin who seemed to get embarrassed every time she did so. It was kind of therapeutic and reassuring to hear cold blooded killer Gin spluttering and flustering because of a slightly flirtatious comment or an innocent remark that could be taken several ways.

His ears perked up though when he heard a noise.

"Your phone's vibrating." Conan said looking towards Gin who startled and reached for his phone while Rena smirked since she had gotten him red faced and flustered.

"Good ear little one." Rena said pressing a kiss to Conan's head casually while Gin answered his phone and apparently was speaking to Vodka.

"Really? So that's why…alright. Thanks." Gin said listening for a minute as Vodka said something before Gin hung up his phone.

"Is everything alright?" Rena asked after Gin hung up the phone and he had a strange look on his face as he looked at Conan. It was one part guilt and another part horror.

"I'm fine. That was Vodka." Gin said causing Conan to smile slightly behind a bite of ice cream. Point one for him. One thing about his sight being gone meant e had much better hearing now. He thought that the voice on the other end of the phone sounded familiar.

"Are we needed back at HQ?" Rena asked frowning slightly at the obvious lie on being fine.

"No. Apparently Curacao sent the video of my confrontation with that pedo to a few others in the organization and one of them leaked it to social media. Our tech experts are back tracking it and editing it so that our faces are hard to make out and my hair isn't so distinguishable and Conan isn't able to be identified." Gin said as he repocketed his phone.

"Do they know who leaked it?" Rena asked looking worried and alarmed as she held Conan to her side concerned.

"That's why the techies are back tracking it. As soon as I find out who it is putting him in danger like that…" Gin growled slightly and the glare on his face made sure that Rena knew what exactly was going to happen to the person who had leaked the video.

"Why did they think it was a good idea? They were risking putting us both in the spot light alongside Conan-kun. We're a shadow organization." Rena asked and making Gin grunt slightly.

"I guarantee you that I'm going to ask them that after we track them down. Putting you and Conan in danger? They earned a place on my list for that." Gin said with a hiss to his voice and earning a look from Rena. She knew that wasn't all of it.

"I'm going to grab some napkins Conan-kun. I'll be right back." Rena said kissing Conan's head before she stood up and went to fetch some napkins.

"Did I make that big of a mess?" Conan asked looking in Gin's direction, or where he thinks Gin is at least, and earning a gentle ruffle of the hair.

"Well you are a little messy but not as much as we thought you were going to be. You're doing a lot better at eating without making a mess." Gin said causing Conan to nod slightly.

"Hey Jun-san can I ask you something?" Conan asked looking towards Gin who smiled indulgently at the little boy.

"You just did but go ahead." Gin said teasingly and making Conan give him a flat look for the comment.

"Do you love Rena-san? Cause you act like you are and I think she loves you too but if it's not love then won't you both get hurt?" Conan asked wanting to see what his thoughts on the subject were and making Gin's breath hitch a little for a second.

"Promise not to tell her what I tell you?" Gin asked making Conan nod.

"I promise." Conan said with a smile.

"I…I'm attracted to her yes. I feel a pull in my very heart and soul towards her. It's too early to say for sure if it's love…but I don't want anything or anyone to hurt her. I don't want to go a single day without seeing her at least once and seeing her smile. I know I love watching her fret and mother you like she has been doing for the last hour. I…I love the thought of being able to call her mine and it be true." Gin said softly to the little boy who smiled slightly at him. So even cold blooded killers could feel love huh?

Maybe there was some hope for Gin to be slightly redeemed yet. If Rena could somehow redeem him and make Gin a better person…then Conan would support them both and help in any way that he could.

"That sounds like love to me and I think you should tell her. After all there's no telling what day or hour will be your last and the worst thing you can do is either leave her wondering what if or be the one left wondering." Conan said before he took a bite of his ice cream, or tried to at least.

"But then again what do I know of love? I'm just a kid." Conan said as Rena returned with the napkins finally.

"A very smart kid who's able to keep up with Kaito kid." Gin said and he was thinking about the words out of Conans mouth while Rena looked curious about what she had missed.

Conan very nearly lost his composure at what Gin said. He knew! Conan was busted!

"Ah that's why he looked familiar! I didn't know that the little boy helping the Kaito task force was Conan-kun! That explains why Kaito recognized him and wanted him back. Conan provides a challenge!" Rena said sounding as if she just realized that too.

Gin was immediately distracted and Conan actually relaxed a bit when he heard Gins snarled out words.

"That sick son of a gun interested in little boys! I don't care if he enjoys the challenge Conan gives him! I'm not letting that sick bastard near our boy!"

Of course hearing Rena whack and then scold Gin for the curses helped calm Conan down too. He actually giggled at the image in his head of Rena reaching up to probie slap Gin.

He missed how both adults smiled happily at hearing him giggle.

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