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It had been two weeks since Conan was brought to the Black Organization by Gin who had hardly left the child's side. A room next to Gin's was set up for him and things were adjusted slightly to make it easier for him to walk with his crutch and not hit everything in the building as he did so.

Kir had carefully kept her distance to make sure no one thought anything strange of how she knew Conan or how he might recognize her while Bourbon was keeping his distance as well, but they both had alerted their agencies with Kir also telling the FBI through Okiya what had happened.

Vermouth had regretfully kept her distance as well, doing her best not to draw too much attention to the little boy and who he really was. She didn't want anything to happen to her godson but she was getting antsy. It was almost time for the rescue mission and she had to play her part carefully so that no one suspected anything. Now would be her best time to do this since Curacao was out with Kir today, looking to finally change up her wardrobe after they had…dispatched of Red Rum for his actions. Curacao and Gin in particular had been very very happy to teach him why you don't break one of the very few laws inside of a criminal group.

Neither of them had held back anything when torturing and then mercilessly killing the man for what he had done to Curacao, for what he had forced Curacao to do. After everything was done Curacao had broken down sobbing in Gin's arms as he quietly soothed her and Conan had done his best to help comfort her as well. The silver haired woman had barely left Gin or Conan's side in the week after Red Rum's death…she was just as protective of the little boy that had led to her being freed as Gin was of him.

Seeing Gin sitting with Conan in the small break room, hey even criminals needed breaks every once and a while, Vermouth gave a small smile before putting on her normal face around the organization members. Cold, detached, and amused at the same time.

"Shame on you Gin. I've seen that boy wear the same cloths for four days now. Aren't you going to give him a proper wardrobe? Just because he can't see his cloths doesn't mean it's acceptable for him to be so shoddily dressed and wear it over and over." Vermouth said making Gin shoot her a glare before he looked at Conan and his eyes softened. The boy had been making do with one of Gin's old shirts or Curacao's tank-tops since they didn't have any cloths for him and Curacao sure as hell wasn't going to be wearing those tops anymore.

"Yeah we should really get you some more cloths little man. Come on. Let's go to the mall and find some new outfits for you. Do you have any favorites?" Gin asked gently taking Conan's hand and guiding the boy to the door, even though he was able to make it most of the way by himself now as long as no one moved the furniture.

"Well I like the color blue but it doesn't really matter what color I wear…something I can play football in if it's alright?" Conan asked so that Gin didn't feel like he had to buy him specific cloths. He couldn't tell because he was unable to see Gin's face, but every time Conan unsurely or hesitantly asked for something or said what he preferred Gin's eyes got hard and his mouth set into a grim line.

He did not like what Conan's hesitance and reluctance to ask for things or speak about himself implied and neither had Curacao when he brought it up with his sort of sister.

"So comfy cloths that you're able to move around in easily? Preferably blue…I can do that no problem." Gin said as he and Conan left the room and went towards his car where Gin helped Conan into the back seat and made sure he could buckle himself in.

"Vodka let's go. Conan needs new cloths." Gin said catching sight of the broad kind of slow man who looked confused but shrugged and got into the car as well.

"Shouldn't we take one of the girls with us? They'd be better at this than we are." Vodka voiced hesitantly as they made their way to the mall, never knowing that Vermouth was sending off a text message to Kaito and Lupin both to let them know that the plan was on. Kaito was going to cause a distraction and Lupin's team was going to separate Conan from Gin and Vodka before Lupin swept in and made his way back to the Kudo mansion with Conan in his arms.

"Like hell am I trusting Vermouth near Conan. Chianti's on a recon assignment with Korn, Curacao went shopping with Kir earlier. It's just us since I don't trust any of the other female agents." Gin said calmly and coldly and making Vodka snicker slightly.

"I'm sure you'd love it if Kir could go with you Aniki. Then you could pretend that you two were a couple who were getting cloths for your son because his got ruined thanks to a busted water pipe or something." Vodka said teasingly and making Gin splutter a bit.

"I don't like Kir like that!" Gin said and Conan could nearly feel how hot the mans face was from the backseat, that's how hard Gin was blushing.

"Then how come when Curacao says that you're my new dad she calls Kir my new mom?" Conan asked and Gin began spluttering harder at that while Vodka snorted and began laughing uproariously.

"I'm going to stab her later." Gin muttered while Conan smirked a bit. It was kind of fun pressing Gin's buttons, especially with his crush on Kir. If Gin wasn't a killer and a criminal with Kir being a CIA operative under cover…Conan would probably be trying to sneakily help them get together.

"No you won't. You love her too much to actually hurt her." Vodka said making Gin snort slightly.

"Clearly you don't have a brother or sister."

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