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What the-" Gin was forced away from Conan when there was a huge explosion of doves in the mall when they had been almost done shopping. Vodka had been taking the bags they already had back to the car while Gin led Conan by the hand to one last store, the small blind boy holding onto his hand and wearing one of their newly purchased outfits. It was a simple blue t-shirt with a football on it and a pair of shorts that had been a pain in the ass to get on over his cast and he even had a small coat like Gin's that Vodka had found and talked him into wearing. Honestly he hadn't had anything against it since it was getting cold out and the jacket was warm and comfy, apparently Gin though hadn't known about it.

"Conan? Conan!" Gin was calling for Conan as the two of them were forced apart when the crowd tried to get close to Kaito Kid, and what the hell was he doing here when there were no valuable jewels hidden in the mall? Sure there was a jewelry store but he had never been interested in those before, especially not when he was used to much better and tighter security.

"Mister Karishma!" Conan called our and he felt his panic begin to rise. Normally he wouldn't care about being on his own in the mall, he was seventeen after all. But now… right now he was six years old and he couldn't see and his leg hurt so much and there was so much noise and so many people and he felt his breathing begin to quicken and the onset of a panic attack setting in but even knowing it was about to start he couldn't stop it.

Fujiko frowned from where she was observing everything from the other side of the mall. The crowd made it difficult to keep track of where Conan was but he had been separated from Gin and that was what they had aimed for. His broken leg was probably getting jostled a bit too much by the Kid fanatics in the mall trying to get close to their idol but there was something else off about him. She couldn't quite tell what it was from this distance but something was off, and it wasn't just him beginning to have a panic attack.

"Alright Lupin. You're on. He's near the fountain." Fujiko spoke into her headset and she saw the self-proclaimed gentleman thief grin from the jewelry store and move towards the fountain, no one noticing the jingling in his pockets or the extra bulges that showed he had taken the opportunity to 'liberate' a few pieces of jewelry.

"Hm? Looks like we have a good Samaritan trying to help. Get ready to play the uncle card." Fujiko said spotting a brown haired woman making her way to Conan's side.

"That's what I am." Lupin said and she saw him grin a little wider as he waded through the crowd towards the fountain, stealing a few wallets on the way.

"Conan-kun. Shh. It's alright. It's me Kir. Rena. Hidemi. Whatever you want to call me." Kir said kneeling down beside Conan when she had spotted him alone and beginning to panic by the fountain. There were tears in his eyes and it looked like some of his scratches had been reopened during the near stampede, and she was willing to bet that his leg was hurt worse as well.

Conan barely heard the words and he didn't even recognize who she was, he just heard a soft and warm worried voice that reminded him of his mom.

"It's alright sweetheart. Here." Kir gently picked Conan up and cradled him to her chest, wincing at the strain this put on her injured arm but she held him close and made sure his ear was over her heart.

"It's alright. I'm here now. Just focus on my heartbeat okay? Focus on my heartbeat and breathing and try to match it." Kir instructed gently and Conan heard the steady thumps in his ear and fekt her chest rise and fall with slow and steady breaths and he found himself unconsciously copying the breathing pattern until his panic attack subsided.

"It's alright sweetheart. You were suffering from sensory overload most likely and without someone there to act as a filter you began to panic. You're so used to being with Gin that when you were forced away from him by the crowd you felt lost and wrong footed. The pain you're in didn't help. Just keep focusing on my heartbeat and breathing okay? Curacao went to get Gin, she'll be here with him in just a few minutes." Kir said soothingly as she rubbed his back slightly with one hand and kept his ear pressed to her chest with her other one.

"Pardon me ma'am but that's my nephew. Thanks for helping him but I'll take him now." A voice Conan knew said causing him to tense at the same time that Kir did. Lupin was here? Why was he here? No…Conan couldn't get him involved with the black organization!
"Stop right there Lupin!" An older male's voice yelled causing Lupin to swear.

"Aw damn it pops! I'm not even doing anything illegal this time!" Lupin cried and Conan relaxed a little when Lupin had to run from Zenigota.

Fujiko growled at this as she set down her binoculars. Usually she had fun watching Lupin and Zenigota's antics but this was not a good time!

"Zenigota's here and Lupin wasn't able to get Conan-kun before he had to run off. Jigen, you and Mr. Samurai help Lupin make a distraction. Kaito Kid you grab our wayward little lamb." Fujiko ordered over the headset, earning affirmative from the men and for once no back sass. They all wanted to get Conan back home safe and sound. He was one of theirs after all.

"It's alright Conan. He's gone now. He's gone and Curacao is going to be here any second now with Gin." Kir said gently to the child that was listening to her heartbeat and had relaxed in relief when Lupin had to retreat. Conan didn't want anyone else in danger of the black organization. Not because of him.

Then Conan heard something that made his blood chill in his veins. No! He couldn't be here! Conan couldn't put him in danger either!

"Well hello there Tantei-kun. Fancy seeing you here."

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