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"Mister?" Conan asked the gentle voice quietly once the doctor had left after telling Conan about his injuries although he obviously doubted that the little boy really understood anything other than the fact that he couldn't see and that he had broken a leg.

"You can call me Jun little one. Jun Karishma." The man, Jun, said gently and he sounded upset.

"My name's Conan Edogawa." Conan introduced himself, realizing that he hadn't done that yet.

"It's nice to meet you Conan. Right now you're in the medical ward of my workplace. I brought you here when you saved my life in that burning building. No one was looking for you and I couldn't just leave you there…" Jun trailed off when Conan nodded his head in understanding. Kogoro had still been dazed from the tranquilizer dart so probably hadn't realized that Conan wasn't with him when the fire alarm went off.

"Thank you." Conan said quietly and the man just put a hand on Conan's head, he had large hands but they were soft, and gently ruffled his hair.

"I should be the one saying that. You saved my life, and it's what led to you being in this predicament in the first place." Jun said and his voice was upset and he sounded guilty.

"I don't remember it. I just remember there being an explosion and realizing that someone was in danger. I don't remember who or doing anything to save anyone." Conan said shaking his head and making Jun ruffle his hair again.

"Well you did. I had been struck by some debris from the ceiling and was a bit out of it. I didn't see a cart full of chemicals about to tip over on me but you shoved me to the side and got hit instead. Those chemicals are what took away your vision Conan-kun." Jun said and he was speaking slowly and softly as if scared he would break Conan at hearing how it had happened but Conan just nodded his head.

"I know I'm blind now and that my leg is broken…but is there anything else I need to know about?" Conan asked making the hand on his head stiffen a bit and then withdraw and settle gently on his back.

"You have a few burns, some on your hands and stomach and one on your left cheek. The doctor said that they're probably going to scar. You also have a few bruises and scratches from the debris and the parts of the cabinet that you got hit by but those should heal normally. We managed to decontaminate you of all the chemicals so they didn't get into your blood stream or anything like that." Jun said softly and making Conan's hand reach up to his cheek and feel the bandage that was pressed to it and secured with medical tape.

"Okay. What's going to happen to me now? Uncle complains how I'm a free loader most of the time and now that I can't see…" Conan trailed off thinking about that. Uncle Kogoro usually did call him a free loader and had threatened to throw Conan out more than once, now that Conan couldn't see and would place an even bigger burden on him and Ran…Kogoro might go through with his threat.

"You'll stay with me then. You're only like this because of me so I'll take responsibility for it and take care of you. No one's going to throw you out or anything like that. Not while I'm here." Jun said and his voice sounded a bit darker at that and was a bit familiar now but Conan's mind was too muddled to think anything of it. He'd probably realize why the voice was so familiar later when the pain medicine wore off and he was thinking more coherently again.

"But I'll tell you now that I work with some dangerous people okay? So if anyone tries to bother you then you tell me immediately and try not to talk to or bother anyone in return alright?" Jun asked making Conan nod his head slowly. That was fine. It wasn't like he'd be going anywhere on his own anytime soon anyways.

"Aniki. There's been a meeting called. Something has the police departments in a frenzy." That voice? Conan recognized that voice but how? Why was he here and calling the nice Jun-san 'Aniki'? That voice belonged to Vodka no doubt about it but...but the only person that he's heard Vodka call 'Aniki' was…was…

"What do I care about that?" Jun's voice, it had changed now. It was colder and darker. That voice…it was Gin's voice!

The same Gin who had poisoned him and turned him into Conan! The same Gin who wanted to kill Haibara, or as he knew her Sherry. The same Gin would kill him without hesitation if he knew about Conan Edogawa really being Shinichi Kudo!

"The FBI have been harassing Kir again." Vodka said dryly and that caused Gin to suck in a slight breath.

"What do I care about them harassing her?" Gin asked and his voice sounded a lot more defensive and guarded now earning a snort from Vodka.

"Come on Aniki don't play dumb. I know you're sweet on Kir which is why you haven't shot her no matter how many times someone accuses her of being a traitor. Usually one accusation has you putting a bullet in her skull immediately but with Kir you've given her chances to prove that she's loyal and defended her from others. I'm just wondering when you'll finally man up and tell her about your feelings." Vodka said and his voice sounded teasing. As if he were having fun teasing Gin.

"I will shoot you in the eye." Gin growled at Vodka but then Conan felt a large gentle hand ruffle his hair again and fought his urge to flinch back.

"Don't worry little man. I'll be back in a little while. It looks like there's been a business meeting called over someone harassing a friend of mine." Gin said gently and softly to Conan, his voice that of Jun's, as he ruffled Conan's hair and made it messier than it already had been.

"Sure a friend he calls her. He means that someone's messing with his woman and he's not happy about it." Vodka stage whispered to Conan and earning a snarl from Gin who then proceeded to chase Vodka from the room and towards the meeting apparently.

That left Conan along in the room, or at least he thinks he's alone, with his thoughts.

The main thought being simple.

'How the hell am I going to get out of this one?'

His second thought however was a lot more amused and a bit creeped out.

'And is cold blooded killer Gin really sweet on Kir like that and is scared to admit it?'

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