chapter 11

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After connecting the home sweet home power to the main power Doug told him that there's a generator in the school and that there maybe a high change that there maybe people In There hopefully still alive. Doug hung up, Y/N headed towards the school, arriving in a few minutes. First he jiggled the doorknob to check if it was unlocked, and when he saw that it was closed he took out the key, put it in the lock, and opened it. Right before he stepped into the school, he felt the familiar sensation of being watched, which gave him a chill that made his heart race and prompted him to hurry inside and shut the doors behind him.

All of this was observed by CatNap in the distance. Her smile was replaced with one of great concern when she saw Y/N enter the school, an act that worried her greatly. She knew the being that was hiding in the school and understood exactly what it would do to Y/N when it sees him.

"What do you think you're doing Y/N?? Did you forget who's there??!" She whispered worriedly. "I have to follow him! I can't let her find and kill him. If she touches one hair on his pretty head I swear I will make her death horrible beyond anything she can think of," she said angrily before stepping further back into the darkness and heading towards the school.

With Y/N, he was walking through the school hallways with his gun ready looking quite uncomfortable due to the large amount of blood trails he'd found along the way so far, with some books scattered on the floor, all of them being signs of the employees who'd hid in the building. Maybe they were not alive after all. He opened a door with the green hand and entered a classroom. Inside, he saw the same words he'd seen in Home Sweet Home when this had all started, "The Hour of Joy" written in blood on the wall. Next to it were posters that, like Home Sweet Home, had toy characters taped to the walls, like Smiling Critters, Poppy, Huggy Wuggy, etc with more childish themes.

'So that's what this whole crazy frenzy of blood, pain and death is called,' Y/N thought uncomfortably, as he knew that only some sort of psychopath would call such a brutal and bloody event an "Hour of Joy," as if all it was some kind of macabre game that one could enjoy without regrets.

As he left the classroom through a door on the other side and headed down the hallway, he saw in the distance a somewhat large room with computer tables and a metal door with a window on the side, where he could see the generator immediately beyond it.

But then he saw out of the corner of his eye a wooden door that was on his left side, with traces of blood leading to the door in a drag-mark trail.

Y/N walked over to it and looked through the glass window in the top of it, becoming extremely horrified upon seeing a pile of bodies on the other side of the door. All of them were mutilated in various ways, but all of them had their heads crushed, as if they had been hit hard with some pointed object multiple times.

'Who the hell did this?!?!' Y/N thought as he looked at the bodies for a couple more seconds before he turned away with disgust on his face. He was sure that it wasn't CatNap's work,

'but who was it?'

Fortunately, his answer would come a moment later as the intercom came on, with interference ringing out from it for a few seconds, before a friendly female voice spoke. "Hello there! Welcome to-Wait! I recognize you. You're Y/N, right?" the female voice said with surprise, giggling slightly as well. "If you're Y/N, the caretaker of the children at Home Sweet Home, how are you...alive...hmmm?"

'That voice,' Y/N thought. "Delight," he whispered, quickly recognizing the owner of the voice. He was so focused on the threat that was the Smiling Critter that he had completely forgotten about Miss Delight.

"Why are you still alive?? Why aren't you dead along with the other employees? How did you survive??" She asked with intrigue before she then paused for a few moments, speaking again thirty seconds later. "Ohhh I see. Maybe CatNap didn't have enough courage to kill you out there."

smiles terror blood and obsession: BULLETPROOF LUSTWhere stories live. Discover now