chapter 7

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Y/N runs to the cafeteria where Ben said he was. It took him awhile almost 20 minutes since he had to open doors using his keycard and some of the doors weren't working due to power being out, He's never seen home sweet home this dark, dark and narrow hallway, with dim lighting coming from a few sources, such as a lamp placed on a small table. The walls and floor appear to be shadowy, and there is a deep, eerie atmosphere to the scene, giving it a haunting or unsettling feel. The hallway recedes into darkness, creating a sense of mystery or suspense, as if something could be lurking at the end. The overall mood is ominous, and it could be a scene from a horror movie or game. When he arrives at the entrance of the cafeteria The chandelier hanging from the ceiling and the wall sconces are no longer glowing, leaving the room shrouded in darkness. The outlines of the dark doors are barely visible against the shadowy walls, and the floor appears as a dim, undefined surface. Without any illumination, the room takes on a more mysterious, eerie feeling, with the once-elegant features now obscured by the lack of light. The grand entrance and doors seem foreboding, as if hiding something unseen in the pitch-black environment. He goes to open it but its locked but when he turns the knob he hears movement and people talking inside, he grabs his radio to talk to ben.

"ben come in over" Y/N said

"Y/N is that you at the door?" he said sounding slightly afraid but why?

"Yeah its me come on open the door" Y/N said

"Yeah hold on i'll get the do-" ben says but then suddenly stopped talking

"Ben you still there?" Y/N said but then he hears someone yelling at the other side of door

"Oh god they're coming through the vent!!"


Suddenly Y/N hears screaming and gunfire through the other side of the door causing Y/N to back up quickly

This is Y/N heard

As Y/N stands there in fear bullets are going through the door almost hitting him causing him to duck down on the floor. When he does that he could have sworn he heard laughter but as listens he hears ben scream "Take this!" before hearing a pin...a pin of a grenade? A second later he hears ben scream one last time before hearing a loud CRUNCH! Then everything goes silent and Y/N slowly gets up.

"Ben you ther-" Y/N said before getting pushed back an explosion rips through the air. The doors shudder for a split second, then burst outward with a deafening roar. Shards of from the doors shoot out in every direction like shrapnel. The force of the explosion creates a shock wave, sending debris flying across the hallway, accompanied by a plume of smoke and dust. Y/N groans in pain as he slowly gets up from the floor and sees Flames flicker in the wreckage, and the echoes of the blast slowly fades.

"Oh my god" Y/N said in complete shock he tries to look inside the room but due to the smoke he can't see nothing "Ben!" He yells out trying to get a response but he doesn't.

"Is Anything ok?!" The yells out but unfortunately still gets no response but then when he steps closing he sees something that caused him to stop, he sees eyes glowing white eyes look at him through the smoke and what terrified him and most is that it wasn't two pairs of eyes it was multiple about 12 of them looking him just then he hears laughter. Female laughter, he spooked him enough to make him grab his spas and run away in fright.

"Did you see him?"

"Was that him it was definitely him!"

"He's so gorgeous"

"I want to try him out~"

"He needs to be ours~"

Y/N ran out of there as fast as he could as he ran through the halls he can hear people in his radio.

smiles terror blood and obsession: BULLETPROOF LUSTWhere stories live. Discover now